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很不安全,因为抢劫的人能藏在那里,袭击妇女。It is unsafe because a rapist could hide in there and attack women.

警方不相信她的话,因为她说那个罪犯是个陌生人。The police didn’t believe her when she said the rapist was a stranger.

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几乎所有人都在指责他性侵犯未成年人,但这一点本身仍未确定。Nearly all have accused him in no uncertain terms of being a child rapist.

今儿个,我打床上爬起来开电视,头一眼瞄见一通缉犯,跟我长一个模样,我现在不敢出门了。Today, I wake up, switch on TV and the first thing I see is the picture of a wanted rapist who looks just like me.

由于这种令人讨厌的性情,博茨瓦纳土司在10个月大的时候便惨遭阉割。This earned the hybrid the name Bemya or rapist. He was castrated when he was 10 months old because he was becoming a nuisance.

一位公司经理和“社区栋梁”20年后被曝光是名为“恋鞋癖”色魔的连环性侵犯者。A company manager and" pillar of the community" has been exposed after20 years as a serial sex attacker known as the Shoe Rapist.

不再重来了,自从大约公元前1000年,任何人都没有必要成为强丄奸犯以“理解”硬币的另一面。No longer, since probably around 1000 BC has any entity been required to become a rapist to "understand" the other half of the coin.

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她不仅没有这样做,甚至还随曾某一起出入网吧等场所,以至于别人都认为她是曾某的“女朋友”。Not only did she not do any of these things, she even accompanied the rapist to the Internet cafe and other public places, so everyone thought she was his "girlfriend."

营养学家兼行为理疗师玛丽认为,这些调查结果将开启一个正确的认识方向,即一些人需要帮助来控制她们的不良饮食习惯。Nutritionist and behavior the rapist Mary believes that these results may be the kick in the right direction that some people need help to control demoralizing eating habits.

他的生命被剥夺了,而且烙上“奸杀凶手”的印记,即使被枪决了,还是被人辱骂,家人在社会上也抬不起头。He was deprived of his life, and branded a rapist and a murderer. Even after his execution, he was still hated and reviled. His family was also looked down upon by the community.