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疟疾在一些沼泽地区仍很猖獗。Malaria is still rampant in some swampy regions.

排泄物必须被冲到水或沼泽中。Excreta must be contained in flood or swampy conditions.

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在沼泽地里挖了些沟以便把水排走。在沼泽地里挖了些沟以便把水排走。Ditches are dug through swampy land to drain away the water.

后来,发生的那场地震让这片沼泽雨林荡然无存。And then the earthquake struck, and this swampy rain forest was gone.

在卡特里娜飓风经过的那段时间里,该地区的沼泽地开始变干,水分也随之流失。During that period, swampy lands in the region began to be drained for development.

是一个沼泽区位于室内,南美洲之间,巴西,巴拉圭和玻利维亚。Is a swampy area in the interior of South America, between Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.

我跑过了一片沼泽地,看见那里长满了柳树、芦苇和形状古怪的沼泽树木。I had crossed a marshy tract full of willows, bulrushes , and odd, outlandish, swampy trees.

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曾有人在东南部的沼泽森林一带时发现过象牙喙啄木鸟。The ivory-billed woodpecker was once found across the swampy forests of the south-eastern states.

孟加拉老虎居住于绿色的像草的或沼泽的区域和森林,在它很好地被它的着色伪装的地方。The Bengal tiger inhabits grassy or swampy areas and forests, where it is well camouflaged by its coloration.

由沼泽环境中的植物残体以泥煤形式沉积而形成的一种富含碳的沉积岩。A carbon-rich sedimentary rock that forms from the remains of plants deposited as peat in swampy environments.

除了短尾鳄,大柏树国家保留地的沼泽环境也很适合于山猫、黑熊、苍鹭及白鹭的生存。In addition to alligators, the park's swampy environment is also home to bobcats, black bears, herons, and egrets.

这么一追一赶反倒让他穿过了谷底的沼泽地,湿苔癣中的一行脚印展现在他眼前。The chase led him across swampy ground in the bottom of the valley, and he came upon footprints in the soggy moss.

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另一种可能是,这些死者是在有“沼泽河谷环境”的地点被杀害的——论文总结道。Alternatively, the dead could have been killed on the spot in "the swampy valley environment", the paper concludes.

飓风首次登陆的地点为米斯基托海岸偏僻的沼泽地区,并越过村庄向内陆深入。The hurricane first hit land in remote swampy areas of the miskito coast and moved through villages further inland.

其滨湖、沼泽相炭质泥岩及煤系建造是库车坳陷重要的烃源岩。Lakeshore and swampy carbonaceous mudstone and coal measures are major hydrocarbon source rocks of the Kuqa depression.

因地处沼泽地带,清理工作昨天进展迟缓。线路修复的工作,预计今天仍需继续进行。Salvage work was hampered yesterday by the swampy surrounds, and work to repair the track was expected to continue today.

他们宁愿相信那已有60年历史、狭窄崎岖的两车道公路,已经被时间、山崩、雨林季风和沼泽湿地所湮灭。That its two stringy lanes—now six decades old—have been devoured by time and landslides, jungle monsoons and swampy earth.

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它们体态庞大,有时长达八英寸,并且大多都生活在形成我们的煤层的沼泽滩中。They were giant, sometimes 8 feet long, and many of them lived in the swampy pools in which our coal seam, or layer formed.

一小群新拥有执照的捕猎者来到了这个位于佛罗里达州南部沼泽的蟒蛇栖息地区。A small band of newly licensed trappers hit the trail this week of pythons living in the swampy wetlands of southern Florida.

绝地大师们试图把飞船从沼泽地里解救出来,但是他们遭到了达索米尔黑夜姐妹会的阻挠。The Jedi Masters attempted to free the vessel from its swampy confines but they were repulsed by the Dathomirian Nightsisters.