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是这样的论点吗?Is that the argument?

把你的理由告诉我.Tell me your argument.

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他的论点毫无道理。His argument is nonsense.

这的确是很令人警醒的论述。It's a startling argument.

我未能抓住他的论据。I cannot grip his argument.

现在,这个论证是有效的Now, the argument is valid.

那足以证明这论点。That supports the argument.

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这个论点是站不住脚的。This argument is not valid.

他的论据引起了我的兴趣。His argument appealed to me.

他的论证是这样的。His argument goes like this.

争吵到最后声泪俱下。The argument ended in tears.

因为这个论证的要求太苛刻了The argument requires a lot.

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这里的论点是什么呢?So what is the argument here?

你的理由站不住脚。Your argument is ill-founded.

他在辩论中驳倒了她。He bested her in the argument.

有人批驳这种论点。Someone refuted this argument.

这个论证好不好呢Is that a good argument or not?

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这是个了不起的论证Now, it's a very cool argument.

这场争论使他心情不好。The argument darkened his mood.

你们不过是小小地争执了一下。It was a small argument you had.