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她与鱼贩讲价钱。She bargained with the fishmonger over the price.

尽管叫鱼贩子把比目鱼的鱼刺剔掉。Don't be afraid to ask your fishmonger to fillet flat fish.

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到时候你就不必把鱼卖给鱼贩子,而是直接卖给加工厂。You don't have to sell fish to fishmonger but factory directly.

我会问问那个卖鱼的,看看他能否给我定购3打牡蛎。I'll ask the fishmonger if he can order three dozen oysters for me.

这是4个以上的镇,如果你不相信我,你可以要求鱼贩。It's more than 4 jin, if you didn't believe me you can ask the fishmonger.

我让鱼贩把鱼鳞刮了,这样准备烹制时能省点儿事。I got the fishmonger to skin the fish which helped save on the preparation time.

当您接受鱼贩子搜寻时,解决了与不接受的球员的一个问题渔条板箱。Resolved an issue with players not receiving the fishing crate when you accept a Fishmonger quest.

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一只被渔夫从餐锅里救出来的巨大龙虾,在被放置在水族馆里展览后死于压力。A giant lobster, saved from the cooking pot by a fishmonger , has died of stress after being exhibited at an aquarium.

在买鱼时不妨找找上面有没核对标志在上面,或问问鱼商他们是否还拥有这个标志。Look for their "tick-mark" logo on the fish, or even better, ask your fishmonger if you are lucky enough to still have one.

鱼贩子雷克斯•戈德史密斯觉得这只龙虾太美了,就把它买下来交给了研究人员。However, fishmonger Rex Goldsmith thought the stunning lobster was too nice to eat and bought it before handing it over to researchers.

那个所谓的好女人当然非常高兴,便把死掉的蟑螂给了那卖鱼的女人,放到她的篮子里。Of course, the so-called good woman was highly pleased and gave the dead cockroach to the fishmonger , who placed it in the basket of fish.

1997年的夏天,27岁的阿妙跟欠债累累、拈花惹草的卖鱼父亲,被逼来到富贵墟打工抵债。It is the summer of 1997. 27-year-old Miu starts working as a fishmonger at Prosperity Market to pay the heavy debts of her philandering father.

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去年夏天的一个下午,布莱克先生到鱼贩那里去买鱼准备做晚饭。因为一个朋友要到他家和他一同吃晚饭。One afternoon last summer, Mr. Black went to a fishmonger to buy some fish for supper. A friend of his was coming to have supper with him that evening.

七月中旬的一个傍晚,大马北部采集橡胶闻名的吉兰丹州,安瓦尔。易卜拉欣深入人群,呼吁一群乡巴佬为一位虔诚的鱼贩子投票。ONE evening in mid-July Anwar Ibrahim was deep in the rubber-tapping state of Kelantan in northern Malaysia, urging a crowd of rural folk to vote for a devout fishmonger.

那外来人在遇见他时曾请求让他坐在马臀上,他当时已显得非常困顿了,那鱼贩子却一面支吾,一面加鞭走了。Now when he met him the man who then seemed already extremely weary had requested him to take him on his crupper to which the fishmonger had made no reply except by redoubling his gait.