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为他们献歌一首。Dedicate a song to them.

在这里可以点歌吗?Can i dedicate a song here?

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我把这本书献给她。To her I dedicate this book.

在神秘中,献身于生之光明。Dedicate to light-life, in mystery.

为她在电台内点唱。Dedicate songs to them on the radio.

我献出今天来达到简易健康。I dedicate today to minimalist health.

我希望你也会献出这一天。I hope you will dedicate this day too.

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献给我过世的钢琴老师老志诚先生。Dedicate to my late piano teacher Lao Zhicheng.

他说“我把这个奖项奉献给我的国家,谢谢评审团"I dedicate this award to my country," he said.

从开始到结束,每餐都花上一小时。Dedicate an hour for each meal, start to finish.

献给所有喜欢周杰伦和袁咏琳的朋友。Dedicate this song to all fans of Jay and Cindy.

我谨以第一首歌献给母亲。I'd like to dedicate my first song to my mother.

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此片仅仅献给爱好烈性犬的狗友。The video only dedicate to people who love ferocious dogs.

弟子愿回向所有功德给所有众生。Disciple wishes to dedicate all merits to all sentient beings.

谨以此文献给那些令东阳骄傲以及以东阳为傲的奋斗着的人们!Dedicate to those who are proud of DongYang and honor DongYang!

我们都希望将胜利献给费拉莫斯卡和内里。We all want to dedicate this victory to Alessio and Riccardo"."

让每个虚拟机器都有专属的挂接实体硬碟。Dedicate and mount a physical hard disk to each virtual machine.

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请容许我,为您,我珍贵的朋友,献上这首古老的歌谣。Allow me to dedicate the ancient chanson for you, my dear friend.

我将这片讲话献给我记忆中的这些妇女和儿童。I dedicate this speech to the memory of these women and children.

林肯总统亲自从华盛顿前来为此墓地举行揭幕礼。President Lincoln came from Washington to dedicate that cemetery.