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哦,抱歉。他故作正经的说道。Oh, excuse me, he said demurely.

然后再次和他们眼神交汇,正经地笑着。Then move your eyes back up to meet theirs and smile demurely.

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“吻前额,像个好哥哥那样,”她故作正经地回答说。On the forehead, like a good brother, " she answered demurely ."

我和尼森聊着天,而音梦正矜持地盯着自己的南瓜汤。As Nisan and I talked, Nemutan stared demurely at her pumpkin soup.

她们穿金戴银、身着晚礼服,矜持地坐在桌边。Draped in jewels and wearing evening gowns, they sat demurely at their tables.

头发端庄的向上盘起,手中是美丽的玫瑰捧花。Her auburn hair is swept up demurely , and in her hands, she holds a bouquet of delicate, handcrafted roses.

她那时假装正经地低下头来,可高兴得心怦怦直跳,觉得那个愉快的时刻来了。She had cast down her eyes demurely , her heart beating with wild pleasure, thinking the happy moment had come.

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露西装作端庄地把她的手叠在桌子上,背叛性胜利的,似乎她从新娘那里偷了珍宝。Lucy demurely folded her hands on the table, treacherously triumphant, as if she had stolen a treasure from the bride.

这个小淘气以为我没看见她,又退回去,坐在窗前老位子上,假装极端庄的。The little rogue thought I had not seen her, and, drawing back, she took her former station by the window, quite demurely.

常规迪奥服装,卡拉·萨科齐,法国总统的妻子,穿着端庄。But at its heart were conventional Dior clothes of the kind that Carla Sarkozy, the wife of the French president, wears so demurely.

这种欧洲式酒神狂欢②的精神,找到入口,进入了我们古板的、中规中矩的交际界里,唤醒了我们,并使我们的生活有了生气。The spirit of this bacchanalian revelry of Europe found entrance into our demurely well-behaved social world, woke us up, and made us lively.

那些浪漫的场景,像爱尔兰少女故作端庄地喝一杯麦酒或成熟世故的法国少年呷一口红酒的场面并不真实。Those romantic visions of Irish lasses demurely drinking a glass of ale or sophisticated French teens sipping wine just don't reflect reality.

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假如我们在一个晴朗的早晨醒来,发现地心吸力减少到了一点儿,难道我们还会那么老实地行走在大路上?If, on waking one fine morning we were to find gravitation reduced to only a fraction of itself, would we still demurely walk along the high road?

红玫瑰献给真爱,雏菊从钮扣孔探出头来张望,一束紫罗兰庄严地递到梦中情人面前,不同的情感就这样得到传递。A red rose given to a true love, a daisy peeking out of a buttonhole, a bundle of violets handed demurely to a crush each conveys a different sentiment.

许多的字形,匿名的思念与采集横卧在优雅皮草动物火光微弱露出一个肩膀一个膝盖弯曲,脚拱绮。In many of the pictographs , the Misses Nurturer Gatherer recline demurely among the furs of animals as firelight flickers on one bared shoulder , a bended knee , a sensuously arched foot.

雪林属于那种从闺秀走向新女性的过渡性人物,思想性格始终徘徊在传统与现代之间。SuXueLin belongs to that kind from demurely moves towards the new feminine transition character, the thought disposition throughout paces back and forth between the tradition and the modern age.

在狱中,六月装成端庄地升起一传递推向后面她长的头发,而且从在他们上面听到来自他们的通讯器的她声音当当她把她的头发疏刷回来的时候,她进入她的之内暗中说。Behind the bar, Jun demurely raised one hand to push back her long hair, and from above they heard her voice from their communicators as she secretly spoke into hers as she brushed her hair back.