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格斯,我可不想成为一名少年犯。Gus I don't wanna be a juvenile delinquent.

该少年违者被关进教养院改造。The juvenile delinquent was sent to the reformatory.

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一首歌曲由拉丁说唱团欠款习惯。A song performed by latino rap group Delinquent Habits.

经审问他们全都交待了全部犯罪事实。After interrogated them to transfer the complete delinquent account.

然后经济增长开始逐渐转冷,银行不良贷款开始增加。Then economic growth cools and banks see a rise in delinquent loans.

产生不良行为的趋势会一直持续到青年期。It was found that these delinquent tendencies lasted well into early adulthood.

戴卫东说,金茂融资担保在过去四年里从未有逾期未还的贷款。Jinmao Guarantee hasn't had any delinquent loans in the past four years, Mr. Dai says.

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美国每8.3笔住房抵押贷款中就有一笔遭拖欠或是止赎。One out of every 8.3 mortgages in the U.S. is now either delinquent or in foreclosure.

暗恋亚纪的不良少年以为稔是她的男朋友,天天找他麻烦。Like the juvenile delinquent thought of having her boyfriend, everyday is bothering him.

沃伦是他们心目中的天才少年,而到了1944年年底的时候,他却成了一个问题学生。Warren was their gifted child, but by the end of 1944, had become the school delinquent.

孔某对其挪用公司巨额资金的犯罪事实供认不讳。Kong diverts the company large amount fund to it the delinquent account to confess fully.

在印度,沃伦·哈斯丁没有留下足够的钱财来培育此类违法者。Warren Hastings has not left substance enough in India to nourish such another delinquent.

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他们会丧失信心,少部分人因此抑郁,许多年轻人则会转向犯罪。They may become demoralised, a few will become depressed and too many of the young may turn delinquent.

申请人过去三年内所曾接受政府之相关专案辅导、委讬或合作计画,均无不良纪录。The applicant has no delinquent records in dealing with government sponsoring projects in the past three years.

警官说道,“这是蓄意偷盗,他简直就是一个犯有伤害罪的少年罪犯。”It was a deliberate act of stealing. He is nothing less than a juvenile delinquent who commits deleterious acts.

迈宁说,“我们需要联系我们的拖延帐款,我们无法用现有的系统来实现。”"We needed to touch our delinquent accounts and we couldn't do it with the system we had in place, " Manning says.

所谓的改革一般上是要求“问题国家”变得更像美国或英国,或者他们理想中的民主社会。Often the reform requires the "delinquent"country to be more like America or Britain and its idealised democratic society.

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传统上,债权人可以对任何信用卡到期不还者采取强硬措施,因为持卡人是拥有资产的。Traditionally, the creditors could play tough with any accounts that became delinquent because the cardholders had assets.

信用认证咨询会问你许多问题的不良信用账户和多少你一个月。Certified Credit Counselors will ask you many questions about your delinquent credit accounts and how much you make a month.

美国银行的次级机构去止赎帕贝尔佛罗里达总部,并引用其有拖欠的按揭款。A subsidiary of Bank of America moved to foreclose on Peace's home in Florida, citing delinquent payments on Peace's mortgage.