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我们可以在临床开发中采用遗传学进行患者分层。We can use genetics to stratify patients in clinical development.

本合同段拟采用潜孔钻机布孔进行分层、分段、光面、小药量控制爆破技术施工。We use in-the-hole drill rigs to stratify , separate, smooth, blasting by small dose techniques.

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提出一种面向分类规则提取的分层抽样算法。A stratify sampling algorithm for extracting classification rules is proposed in the dissertation.

这样随时间,一个人将会停止将建立在职业之上的人类文明分层。In so doing, and over time, one will cease to stratify human civilization founded upon preoccupation.

分层教学是一种在集体教学形式下的个别化教学策略。Stratify teaching to be one to plant in lower individual-rization collective teaching form teaching tactics.

该研究验证CT对急性胸痛但心肌酶正常患者风险进行检测的能力。The study examined CT's ability to stratify risk in patients with acute chest pain but normal cardiac enzymes.

具有混合流体的储层将会依流体密度分层,气在顶部,油在中部,而水在底部。A mixed-fluid reservoir will stratify according to fluid density, with gas at the top, oil in the middle, and water below.

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解决这一问题的主要方法是将混杂因子作为分层变量把被研究群体分层。The main approach to solve this problem is to stratify the population studied through taking the confounder as the stratifying variable.

办票柜台、安检柜台、商业用房、其它功能性用房根据其需求,设置局部照明,增加照明层次。In ticket counter, safety inspection counter, commercial room and other functional rooms, additional lighting can be provided locally to stratify the light.

我们相信,该项检测所提高诊断的敏感度,会使我们对病人进行诊断和危险度分级,能对病人展开早期治疗,以改善临床疗效。We believe that the improved sensitivity of this test will allow us to better identify and risk- stratify patients for early therapy and thus improve outcomes.

尽管如此,如果该检测方法可以依照癌症复发的概率将患者分类的话,人们还是会在接受化疗与否的抉择上更放心一些。Still, if the screen can stratify patients by the likelihood of their cancer coming back, they might be more comfortable deciding whether to begin chemotherapy.

看来他们未能真正解决问题,因此我们继续寻找其他途径,或者联合应用多个指标,或者尝试危险分层。It seems as though they really haven't solved the problem for us and so we continue to look at ways of either taking combinations of measures to try to stratify risk.

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本研究的限制是无法区分不同严重程度失智症,这是未来研究应该进一步厘清的重点。One of the limitations of this study was that we could not stratify the incidence rate by severity and stage of dementia, which should be the focus of future studies.

尽管如此,如果该检测方法可以依照癌症复发的概率将患者分类的话,人们还是会在接受化疗与否的抉择上更放心一些。Still, if the screen can stratify patients by the likelihood of their cancer coming back, they might be more comfortable deciding whether or not to begin chemotherapy.

他们需要一项工具,它可以合理地将65岁或以上老年人分成6年内具有低风险、中度风险或高度风险罹患痴呆症的人群。They wanted an instrument that could reasonably stratify adults aged 65 or older into those with a low, moderate, or high risk of developing dementia within six years.

基于多层核主成分提取估计器需要将调制信号的训练样本根据各自的频率进行分层。The estimator based on kernel principal component extraction requires to stratify the training samples of interested signals with respect to their respective frequencies.

介绍了锅炉分层燃烧给煤技术和ZSFG型重移双辊式均匀分层给煤装置及其节煤效果。The Chainboiller stratified burning feed coal technology and ZSFGtype unified stratify coal equipment, together with their economic profits have been introduced in this paper.