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其次,它提高了生产效率。Second, it demonstrably improves productivity.

没有人看我拉琴,这是件好事。The cello was something I demonstrably couldn't do.

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这并不能提高他们的速度或者使运动过程明显变得容易。It didn’t increase their speed or make the workout demonstrably easier.

法律应区分令人不快但并不明显有害的材料。Laws should distinguish materials that are offensive but not demonstrably harmful.

的确,奥巴马的许多行动都辜负了他在竞选时的雄辩言辞。Many of Mr Obama's actions have demonstrably failed to live up to his campaign rhetoric.

白宫官员们在说到克雷格的职位并未受到威胁时,显然是在向记者撒谎。White House officials were demonstrably lying to reporters when they said Craig was not under threat.

研究人员发现,日常膳食富含水果和蔬菜的人们确实肤色更黄。People with diets high in fruits and vegetables had demonstrably yellower skin, the researchers found.

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一个适用名称于建立之时的拼法,除非据第32条5而证明其为不正确。The spelling of an available name when it is established, unless it is demonstrably incorrect under Article 32.5.

根据一贯前后颠倒的不同故事,咒骂实际上是确确实实有益的。Swearing actually is demonstrably beneficial, according to scientists in a different preposterous news story entirely.

但是,这也是可被证明的错误观点,因为,在太多情况下,“更多的时间”并没有带来“更好的学习效果”。It’s also demonstrably untrue, however, because there are enough cases where more time doesn’t lead to better learning.

如果无法证明自己具有远远超越新手的优势技巧,就不能算是个真正的专家,充其量不过是个有证书的外行人罢了。Without a demonstrably immense superiority in skill over the novice, there can be no true experts, only laypeople with imposing credentials.

我们定义学习技术像典型可靠的教学模式一样都是为了使学习者能有效地学习。We define technologies for learning as specific teaching-learning patterns that serve reliably as templates for achieving demonstrably effective learning.

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我们建议在入行补贴时,要符合关贸总协定的划定,并只限于显著有竞争力、其产品用于加工各种制成品的工业。And we would recommend subsidies , consistent with GATT , only for a demonstrably competitiveindust ry whose products are used in a variety of manufactured goods.

违规方某一牌手不能从所有合乎逻辑的行为中选择明显可能是靠非法信息建议选择的行为。A player of an offending side may not choose from among logical alternative actions one that could demonstrably have been suggested over another by the unauthorized information.

在美国医学学会期刊上发表的一项最新研究发现手机发射的无线电波能明显地改变脑细胞活动。A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found that the radio frequency waves emitted from mobile phones demonstrably alter brain wave activity.

但作为一项纠正贸易失衡的措施,汇率显然受到了过多的关注。But as a remedy for trade imbalances, the focus on the currency is demonstrably overstated, " says John Dearie, executive vice-president for policy at the Financial Services Forum in Washington."