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我们毕竟既是一个跨大西洋大国,也是一个跨太平洋大国。We are, after all, both a transatlantic and a transpacific power.

中国飞往北美的跨太平洋直达航班主要从北京或上海出发。Transpacific nonstop flights from China mainly originate from Beijing or Shanghai.

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这种对跨太平洋承运人的管理监督是有必要的。The result of that is much closer regulatory oversight on the transpacific carriers that is probably necessary.

波特兰港的集装箱运输线包括一周一发的太平洋运输航线和欧洲地中海航线。The Port's container line of business comprises a weekly transpacific service and a Europe-Mediterranean service.

有日本加入的泛太平洋贸易协定是开放国际体系原则的一次胜利。A transpacific trade agreement with Japan on board would be a victory for the principle of an open international system.

这既是因为乘客们受到了有吸引力的机票价格的诱惑,也是因为从中国到北美的直达航班数量不足。S. and Canada. The reason? Passengers are lured by attractive prices and a dearth of transpacific nonstop flights from China.

近日多项媒体报导指出,达美航空在横跨太平洋航线上航班架构相当有利,恐将对日航产生难以抗拒的诱惑.In recent days, reports have suggested that Atlanta-based Delta, with its strong transpacific route structure, could be irresistible for JAL.

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这个城市由于拥有优良的海港,从而依靠捕鲸和贸易而获利颇丰,今天它也在不断吸引那些横渡太平洋的船来此地停泊。The city gained prominence as a whaling and trading center due to its accessible harbor, and it continues to attract transpacific tourist ships today.

如果他的提议被接受了,日本将不会受到来自太平洋彼岸的攻击,它就可以无所顾忌地在中国海域实现它的野心了。If his proposals had been accepted, Japan would have been safe from transpacific attack, and could have pursued her ambitions in the China seas without fear.

甚至收回了其为了寻求贸易开放而在中国设立的唯一地区性计划,即由少数自由国家发起的泛太平洋合作。It has even drawn back from perhaps the only regional project seeking genuinely open trade, the Transpacific Partnership, led by a handful of liberal states.

泛太平洋合作给奥巴马要使美国出口翻番的誓言提供了推力,多哈的贸易会谈实际上已经破灭,这又使泛太平洋合作更为紧迫。The Transpacific Partnership adds momentum to Obama's pledge to double U. S. exports, made more urgent by the virtual collapse of the Doha round of trade talks.

预计经过年度合约定价谈判后,货运商将自5月份开始上调泛太平洋的运费费率,这种期望帮助提升了集装箱货运商在今年迄今的股票表现.Hopes that shippers will be able to raise transpacific rates from May in annual contract negotiations have helped lift container ship operators' shares this year.