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然后我打开大门,把“承认”当成一块肉扔了出去。I open the gate, throw out the Acknowledgment Meat.

他写信来对我的礼物表示感谢。He wrote the letter in acknowledgment of my present.

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接收到重新传输数据包的确认。Acknowledgment for the retransmitted packet is received.

你的大脑会自动识别这些小词的。Your brain will see these little words without acknowledgment.

这篮水果谨作为对您的厚意的一点表示。This basket of fruit is slight acknowledgment of your kindness.

绪言中包含她对那些帮助过她的人的致谢声明。The preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her.

不过,他能承认我的努力,这实在是一个令人难以置信的礼物。Nevertheless, his acknowledgment of my efforts was an incredible gift.

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那个律师晃晃他的头,好像被她承认这件事搞的蒙了头似的。The lawyer shook his head, as if disturbed by her acknowledgment of this.

这种仅以口头合同成立的劳动关系得不到承认。This kind Parol contract Work relations cannot Obtains the acknowledgment.

“正是这样,”威瑟斯先生见她承认知道这家旅馆,继续说道。“"Just so, " went on Mr. Withers, accepting her acknowledgment of familiarity.

效忠同样也是对领主和佃户之间租赁契约的确认。Homage wasaccordinglythe acknowledgment ofthebond tenure between lord and tenant.

那一吻似乎相当自然的——甚至可以说是有理有节的——再平常不过的事了。It had seemed perfectly natural—proper, even—an acknowledgment of an ordinary fact.

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夜机密地把花凋谢了,却让文日去领蒙谢词。The night opens the flowers in abstruse and acquiesces the day to get acknowledgment.

如你希望收到「培侨书院学位申请收讫通知」If you would like to receive an acknowledgment of your application to Pui Kiu College.

他有最好的发送服务效果,因为他不需要发送确认数据包。It is a best-effort delivery service, since there is no acknowledgment of sent datagrams.

与此同时,证监会从高盛的自认中也得到了些成果,拉奥说。At the same time, the SEC got something out of Goldman’s acknowledgment as well, said Rao.

当组态确认讯框已经被发送并且收到时,这个阶段才完成。This phase is complete when a configuration acknowledgment frame has been sent and received.

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如果任何消息从确认范围中丢失,客户机会重新发送该消息。If there are any messages missing from the acknowledgment range, the client resends the messages.

正确完成的亲子关系声明的表格复印件应附在申请后面。A copy of the properly completed acknowledgment of parentage form shall be attached to the petition.

该文件可以但不必要包含公司的印章,鉴证和一段声明或证明文字。The document may but need not contain a corporate seal, attestation, acknowledgment or verification.