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体操能提高关节的柔韧性和肌肉的和谐性。Callisthenics can improve joint flexibility and muscle tone.

要不,换换方式,去跳舞或随着所喜欢的音乐节拍做健美体操。For a change, try dancing or doing callisthenics in time to your favourite tunes.

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健美操CAI课件是对健美操教学的有效辅助。The callisthenics CAI courseware is a valid assistance to the callisthenics teaching.

中国团体操具有自己的民族特色和体育风格。The group callisthenics of China have their own national characteristics and sport style.

跟着收音机的体操音乐做柔软体操是好久以前的事情了。It's been quite a while since I did callisthenics along with the exercise jingle on the radio.

高校健美操教育应围绕培养具有创新能力人才这一目标进行。Callisthenics teaching in colleges and universities must focus on the cultivation of talents with creative ability.

健美操教学不同于其它体育教学,有其特殊性和复杂性。The instruction of Callisthenics has its own characteristics and complexity, different from the instruction in other areas of P.

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不要总是坐着不动!去散散步、慢跑、游泳或骑自行车。要不,换换方式,去跳舞或随着所喜欢的音乐节拍做健美体操。Don't just sit around ! Go for a walk, jog, swim or cycle. For a change, try dancing or doing callisthenics in time to your favourite tunes.

通过对大学女生生理、心理特点的分析,就开设健美操具有教学、健身、审美价值进行了阐述。The paper ananlyzes the physiological characteristics of the female university students and expounds the teaching, bodybuilding and aesthetic values of callisthenics.

田园蔬菜沙律什菜沙律,多种新鲜的蔬菜加上沙律,是一个健美减肥的最佳选择。The assorted dish salad of vegetables salad of rural area , many kinds of fresh vegetables add the salad, it is the best choice that a piece of callisthenics reduces weight.

结论坚持运动量适中的有氧运动,能提高女大学生血清中C3与C4含量,增强机体合成补体的能力。Conclusion C3 or C4 quantities of university female students' sera, who took part in appropriate callisthenics exercise, were increased. And complement synthesis were enhanced in the students.