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但友邦保险及其承销投行不会继续打折了。But AIA and its bankers will go only so low.

许多海外的资格可以获得AIA的免试。Many overseas qualifications attract AIA exemptions.

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该公司在去年获得包括华为、友邦保险、乐金电子、西安杨森等客户。The agency won new business such as Huawei LG AIA Xian-Janssen etc.

艾亚帕克和鬣蜥是将会继承权利的人类形象。Aia Paec and Iguana were roles that living people would have inherited.

友邦保险公司于1998年率先开通国内保险业界首个免费服务热线800-820-3588。In 1998, AIA launched the first free service hotline 800-820-3588 in industry.

新奥尔良这所独特的独户家庭住宅也引起了美国建筑师学会的关注。This unique single family residential house in New Orleans also caught the eye of the AIA.

保诚的竞价使得AIA准备在香港证券交易所上市的计划胎死腹中。The Prudential bid preempted a plan to list a stake in AIA on the Hong Kong stock exchange.

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拉斯维加斯金沙和美国友邦保险公司的融资计划可能会遭到推迟,从而破坏香港交易所的胜利。Rusal, Las Vegas Sands and AIA may yet see their funding plans postponed, spoiling HKEx's victory parade.

相对于让友邦保险上市,把友邦保险全盘出售给保诚集团可使AIG筹得更多的资金。An outright sale of AIA to Prudential could enable AIG to raise more funds than by listing a stake in the unit.

当前,AIA正在寻求途径让一部分会员到中国去了解第一手的市场资料。Currently the AIA is exploring ways to bring a group of its members over to China to learn first-hand about the market.

在金融危机之前,AIG的子公司AIA集团的金融业务是全世界最让人兴奋的买卖之一。Before the financial crisis, the AIG subsidiary AIA Group ran one of the most exciting financial businesses in the world.

不管怎样,美国建筑师协会没人会试图要求承包商因其自己的过失赔偿建筑师。Nevertheless, none of the AIA forms attempt to require the contractor to indemnify the Architect from his own negligence.

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埃罗沙利宁1952年被推选为美国建筑师协会会员,他是AIA金奖的获得者之一。Eero Saarinen was elected a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects in 1952. He is also a winner of the AIA Gold Medal.

在公开售股如此临近之际,香港监管层不会愿意让友邦保险的一大块股份折价卖给这些战略投资者。Hong Kong regulators would frown on giving a chunk of AIA at the discounted price to such investors so close to a public offering.

据知情人透露,上个月本默切在董事会会议上要求对友邦保险有更大的控制权,促使了威尔逊离职。Benmosche had demanded more control over AIA last month at a board meeting, pushing for Wilson’s dismissal, said a person with knowledge of the event.

如每月供款于首十二个月内终止,美国友邦退休金管理及信?有限公司有权撤回任何已付之奖金。AIA Pension and Trustee Co. Ltd. shall have the right to claw back any bonuses paid if monthly contribution is discontinued within the first 12 months.

友邦保险积极开拓银保渠道。目前已与超过130家外资及中资银行建立银保合作伙伴关系。AIA is active in reaching customers through banks. Currently, we have over 130 bancassurance relationships established with leading foreign and local banks.

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友邦保险在中国大陆的发展始于1992年,并于同年在上海设立分公司,是第一家获得独资营运牌照的非内地人寿保险公司。AIA China started its operations in Shanghai, China, in 1992 and was the first wholly-owned non-mainland Chinese life insurer to receive an operating licence.

因为AIA是通过互联网为全球会员服务的国际性团体,采用的是注册制而非年审制。Because AIA is, serve for global member through Internet internationally organization, those who use is to register make and rather than year careful is made.

本默切还遇到来自友邦保险管理层的阻力.5月曾有报导称,如果交易继续进行,麦智信则计划辞职.Benmosche also met with some resistance from AIA management over the Prudential deal. Wilson was reported in May to have planned to quit if the takeover went ahead.