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滔天巨浪的激增高。The monstrous billows surge up high.

这种可怕的想法是不值一驳。Such a monstrous idea is not worth refuting.

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这轨迹就像是一把巨大的利刃切出的凹沟。It might have been made by a monstrous knife.

我感到自己好像被困在了一个巨蛛蛛网里。I felt as if I was in a monstrous spider's web.

我可没有你归罪于我的这些欲望。How dare you impute such monstrous intentions to me?

一个房间要收500美元,太黑了。It's monstrous to charge 500 dollrs for a hotel room.

但布鲁克林的规模更大。那儿有,我的天啊,but Brooklyn is just monstrous in size. It goes, god,

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这个国家的统治者像怪物一样可怕。The ruler in this country was as monstrous as a monster.

有一个凶暴的叫粘发鬼的大怪物住在里面。There is a monstrous demon called Sticky-Hair living there.

我们自己的意识可以产生转变、发生变异,最终变得怪异。That our sense of self can change, mutate and become monstrous.

这不仅仅是关于这些怪异的生物和性游戏。It wasn't just about these monstrous creatures and sexual romps.

如果漂亮是一种罪,你已经罪恶滔天!If attractive is one kind of crime, you already monstrous crimes!

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如果你的俱乐部想要充大,那你也是一个恶魔般的自我中心论者。If your club tries to big itself up, you are a monstrous egotist.

他们穿着丑陋的衣服以便掩盖畸形的身躯。They wear hideous clothes to cover their mostly monstrous bodies.

而阿兹则将他变成了这个怪物般的身形以回应他的召唤。Az turned him into this monstrous surface to answer his rude call.

魔术师种下的树很快就长得极其高大。The tree planted by the magician quickly grew to a monstrous height.

龙蛇是已知可以与巨大的达哥巴沼泽蛞蝓搏斗的物种。Dragonsnakes were known to fight the monstrous swamp slugs of Dagobah.

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慕残癖是对残疾或长相畸形的人群的一种性吸引。Teratophilia is the sexual attraction to deformed or monstrous people.

卡西莫多的丑陋的怪相给读者留下深刻的印象。The ugly and monstrous face of Quasimodo leaves readers a deep impression.

什么恐怖的残忍会促使一个人想要杀掉一个蹒跚学步的孩子?What monstrous brute would seek to slaughter a toddling child in its crib?