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孩子成了他唯一的安慰.The child became her only consolation.

你对我的关怀给了我莫大的安慰。Your solicitude was a great consolation to me.

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任何的慰籍会在临终一刻出现吗?Can there be any consolation at the last moment?

而且,在尘世间还有他能得到慰藉和施以情感之处。And he had earthly consolation and affections also.

你的来信和来电是我唯一的慰藉。My only consolation is your letters and phone calls.

而这个龙后会将那唯一的安慰也夺走。This dragon queen would rob him of that consolation.

我是一个为安慰人类而生的水精灵。I am a consolation for human health and water wizard.

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这小女孩是他父母的莫大安慰。The little girl is a great consolation to her parents.

伟人有缺点是愚人的安慰。The defects of great men are the consolation of dunces.

人们读了,对这劝慰的话都十分欢喜。Which when they had read, they rejoiced for the consolation.

做朋友,只是一种自找的借口和慰藉。Friends, is only a pretext for self-inflicted and consolation.

他要把自耕农三个字重复一下,好象给他安慰似的。He would repeat the word "Yeomen" as if it afforded him consolation.

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唯一的安慰就是,我们继续向前,赢得这座次要的奖杯。The only consolation in this is if we go on and win the secondary one.

卓青琳轻轻的拍着聂磐的肩膀安慰道。The Zhuo green Lin lightly claps Nie Pan of shoulder consolation course.

朱迪思对赫里的这些粗鲁的安慰话根本不在意。Judith had scarcely attended to this rude attempt of Hurry's consolation.

其实,他并不气恼他们自我安慰和忘恩负义的模式。Verily, he is not indignant at their modes of consolation and ingratitude.

他也不信仰上帝,但不信仰上帝并没给他带来什么慰藉。He didn’t believe in God, either, but that didn’t bring him any consolation.

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唯一令人欣慰的事情是,高更似乎还蛮欣赏这几幅向日葵。The only consolation was that Gauguin seemed quite taken with the Sunflowers.

如果她能知道有一些男人在这方面远比你更为极端,她可能会获得稍许安慰。Her consolation can be that some men have this complex in a more extreme form.

第一圈赛事负方会获安排参加遗材赛。All those lose in First Round will be arranged to play the consolation matches.