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汉字部件结构。Ideograph Component Structure.

我们对汉字部件的结构进行了考查。The component structure of each ideograph is examined.

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汉字是一种与拼音文字不同的表意文字。Chinese characters are an ideograph different from the alphabetic writing.

汉字是特殊的表意文字,字形是它的主要特点。Chinese-Characters is a unique ideograph , and the style of characters is its main characteristic.

汉字独特的视觉形式与深厚的文化底蕴决定了它的巨大生命力。The unique visual form and deep culture inside of Chinese ideograph have determined its enormous vitality.

日本的昵称,“太阳升起的土地,”,是派生来自中国表意文字的意思“太阳起点的地方”。Japan's nickname, "The Land of the Rising Sun, " is derived from the Chinese ideograph meaning place of the sun's origin.

它事先不需要往图像数据中添加任何签名或水印信息,仅仅依靠图像自身的特性进行认证。It don't need to add any ideograph or watermark in the digital images, the authentication only depend on the characteristics of the images.

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小说艺术作为创作主体独立完成的表意系统,它的特点并没有消弭在吵吵嚷嚷的大众文化市场中。As the ideograph system monitored solely by the writer, fictional craft has managed to retain its marked features in the popular culture market.

本文通过对中国汉字和字母书写系统间的比较,展示了汉字作为表意文字的典型所具有的属性。To determine differences in abstract shape and actual shape, the structure and features of each component of an ideograph are analyzed as follows.

估计这个人想的是把这张钱签名画押了,这张钱就永远是他的了。It is estimated that the person would like to sign a private ideograph on this money. Then this banknote will always belong to him as a matter of course.

这首歌的歌名巧妙地运用了Hatoyama名字的谐音,Hatoyama的前半部分Hato写成表意字意为“鸽”,其发音和日语中的“心”相近。The title is a pun on Hatoyama's name, the first half of which is written with an ideograph meaning "dove" and which sounds like the Japanese pronunciation of "heart".

从单个文字的形、音、意来考察汉字,汉字应是字、词一体的音节文字。If a single Chinese character is considered from the perspectives of pictograph , ideograph and phonology, a Chinese character is a syllabic language integrating character with word.