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病畜尸体极度消瘦。Carcasses of diseased sheep were extreme emaciation.

他身材中等,显得瘦削,非常地脆弱。Of medium height, he was thin to emaciation and extremely delicate.

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腹痛、消瘦、贫血、黑便症状基本得到控制。Abdominal pain , emaciation , anaemia and tarry stool were under control.

鞭挞被认为是在萎缩和消瘦的案件有帮助。Flagellation is thought to be helpful in cases of atrophy and emaciation.

沉重的感染可导致严重的鳃的损害,消瘦,贫血和死亡。Heavy infestation can result in severe gill damage, emaciation , anemia and death.

甚至还有对一种以迅速消瘦为特征的疾病的更早描述,很可能指的就是糖尿病。There are even older descriptions of an illness marked by rapid emaciation that may have been diabetes.

近端胃切除术后消瘦及营养不良较远端胃切除术后更常见。Emaciation and malnutrition were more commonly seen in proximal gastrectomy th an in distal gastrectomy.

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糖尿病是以多饮、多食、多尿、消瘦、衰弱等为临床特征的疾病。Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by polydipsia, polyphagia , polyuria, emaciation and weakness.

研究了白银矿区周围绵羊以消瘦和贫血为主要特征的疾病。A disease characterized by emaciation and anaemia in sheep from surrounding of the Baiyin mining area was described.

隐士则恰恰相反,他审视了一番自己骨廋如柴的躯体,为有此成就,一种奇特的快感袭遍全身。Our hermit, on the contrary, kept a minute check of his emaciation and felt a peculiar thrill out of such an achievement.

消渴是临床常见的一种疾病,典型症状为多饮、多食、多尿、乏力、消瘦。Xiaoke is a commonly seen disease in clinic with the typical syndrome of polyphagia, polydispia, polyuria, weariness and emaciation.

腹痛、腹泻为主要肠道症状,但尚有低热、消瘦、贫血、皮肤及肛周疾病等多系统症状。In addition, low fever, emaciation , anemia, and symptoms of skin, joints or perianal complications could be discovered if attention was paid.

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事实上,许多活下来的人横躺竖卧在甲板上已是奄奄一息,其污秽痛苦之状惨不忍睹。Indeed, many of the survivors were seen lying about the decks in the last stage of emaciation , and in a state of filth and misery not to be looked at.

乡下的这段生活成了我的恶梦,我食欲不振,情绪低落,十几天下来,衰弱到近乎憔悴。It was nightmare for me in the period of the countryside, I lacked of appetite, was down in spirits, after more ten days, I was reduced almost to emaciation.

观察体质的强弱、肥瘦和动静姿势可以发现不同的疾病。By the observation of sturdiness, weakness, obesity or emaciation as well as the posture of the movement and stillness, different kinds of diseases may he found out.