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美国,在你这傻瓜情调中我怎能写一曲神圣祷歌America how can I write a holy litany in your silly

这一系列令人扼腕的疾病是由生活污水引起的。The mournful litany of disease is caused by sewage.

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让我来展示一下这冗长的派,看第15页。Let me just demonstrate the litany of pie. Okay, page 15.

电视新闻每天连续不断地报道爆炸和杀戮事件。The television news was a daily litany of bombings and killings.

这是中产阶级因经济萧条而为生活发出的祈祷。It was a litany of middle-class lives shattered by the recession.

有许多对这个事件未予答覆的疑问。There is a litany of unanswered questions surrounding the incident.

一大堆她的暴行已经让她即时交谈一块。The litany of her outrages has made her an instant conversation piece.

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我们还在这个进程中做了一系列冗长的的增量式的改变。We also made a litany of incremental changes as we went through the process.

乐连篇累牍地陈述了目前中国面临的发展问题和挑战。Le provided a long litany of development problems and challenges facing China.

基督徒向耶稣的连续祷告可以很轻易地被讥讽为是向太阳神祷告。The Christian litany to Jesus could easily be an allegorical litany to the sun-god.

他对我说这番话的时候,刚好是我在伊斯坦布尔遭遇没完没了间谍指控的时候。He said that to me at a time when I was facing a litany of charges of being a spy in Istanbul.

爸爸接起电话后,我马上开始历数我大学生活中的挫折。When my dad answered, I immediately launched into my litany of frustrations with college life.

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祷告的奉献和一系列远远长于那些在使徒宪法。The Offertory prayers and the litany are much longer than those in the Apostolic Constitutions.

但是,如你们从关键的安全问题里看到,它们已经存在了很长时间了。But as you saw from a little litany of key safety issues, they've been around for a very long time.

他在电话里说,“有关澳大利亚移民收容所发生的事,说也说不完。”"There's a long litany of what is going on in Australian immigration detention, " he said by phone.

“人类的这些活动真是危害不浅,”珊瑚礁联盟的执行懂事布赖恩·休斯说。"It's just a litany of bad actions, " says Brian Huse , the executive director of the Coral Reef Alliance.

2010年夏天的一系列极端天气事件简直就像是好莱坞灾难大片里的场景。The litany of weather incidents during the summer of 2010 reads like the latest Hollywood global disaster movie.

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在他们之上,在我之上,我可以听到一声低吟,好像是教堂集会时诵经的声音。Above me, above them, I could make out a low wave of moaning, like the murmur of a congregation at litany in church.

在走过卖假发,山药,清真肉类和陶盆的商店时,帕特里克陆陆续续听到一连串的抱怨声。Passing shops selling Afro hair extensions, yams, halal meat and tagine pots, Patrick Mennucci hears a litany of complaints.

在经历了枯燥的宣扬环保的布道之后,他用恐吓的音调和满目愁容告诉我们这一切。After going through the litany of environmentalist propaganda, he tells us, in a menacing tone and with plenty of scowling looks