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囊肿复发或出现新囊肿是常见的。Recurrent or new cysts are common.

手术失败的主要原因是PVR复发。PVR recurrent is major reason of failure.

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你三不五时想自杀?。Have you had recurrent thoughts of suicide?

体质较弱,经常感冒和皮肤风团。She suffers from recurrent cold and urticaria.

方法复发性翼状胬肉患者46例54眼。Methods 54 eyes of 46 patients with recurrent pterygium.

其后数年患者有反覆上腹痛之症状。Recurrent epigastric pain occurred in the following years.

这称为“慢性或复发性粘液脓性支气管炎。”This is termed "chronic or recurrent mucopurulent bronchitis."

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赛庚啶可能有助于抑制经常性寒冷性荨麻疹。Cyproheptadine may be useful to suppress recurrent cold urticaria.

在古代山水诗的创作中,回归是一个一以贯之的主题。In ancient Chinese landscape poetry, return was a recurrent theme.

我们报告一位33岁男性CIDP病人,患有反覆发作的视神经炎。We report a 33-year-old man of CIDP with recurrent optic neuritis.

他把这一特殊的处理方法称为“遗传型轮回选择”。He named this particular procedure "genotypic recurrent selection".

他的大半辈子反复发作抑郁症。For much of his life he suffered from recurrent bouts of depression.

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喉上神经外侧支支配什么肌肉?The recurrent laryngeal nerve innervates what muscles of the larynx?

卵圆孔未闭与复发性卒中经皮封堵术是最佳选择吗?。Patent Foramen Ovale and Recurrent Stroke Closure is the Best Option?

卵圆孔未闭与复发性卒中经皮封堵术是最佳选择吗?Patent foramen ovale and recurrent stroke closure is the best option?

本文报道一例非常独特的复发性宽QRS心动过速。A very unusual case with recurrent wide QRS tachycardia was described.

卵圆孔未闭与复发性卒中经皮封堵术是最佳选择吗?Patent foram en ovale and recurrent stroke closure is the best option?

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在平均15个月的追踪期中,没有任何痔疮复发。There were no recurrent hemorrhoids with a mean follow-up of 15 months.

他们常起源于腿脚反复感染和受侵犯。They result from recurrent infections and insults to the feet and legs.

本文报告20例下颌骨复发性造釉细胞瘤。The article reports 20 cases of recurrent ameloblastoma of the mandible.