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绿色越多,春意越浓。More green, more concentrated spring.

橘子汁已经过浓缩。The orange juice has been concentrated.

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现在,几乎所有的洗衣液都是浓缩的。Now almost all detergents are concentrated.

煤炭就是能量的浓缩储藏室。Coal is a concentrated storehouse of energy.

我们集中密集的火力向敌人攻击。We concentrated intensive fire on the enemy.

中国的资金主要集中在了电力和铁路部门。Chinese finance is concentrated in power and rail.

作弊者在码牌时集中“码墩”。Cheating in the code card concentrated" code pier".

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他的全部注意力都集中在那张画上。All his attention was concentrated upon the picture.

慈溪市集中集中自己的权力基础。Cixi concentrated on centralizing her own power base.

聚精会神的学习有助于使所学的知识永记不忘。Concentrated study will help you to retain knowledge.

更多的,我专注与一般性和性能。Instead, I concentrated on generality and performance.

我们大部分兵力集结在车站附近。Most of our forces have concentrated near the station.

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它们集中在岩石质的、面向赤道的斜坡上。They are concentrated on rocky, equator-facing slopes.

旱灾的复杂情形浓缩于古代诗文之中。The situation of drought concentrated in ancient poems.

正如我所说的,这是一个各种动荡集中爆发的一年。As I said, this has been a year of concentrated turmoil.

骚乱者聚集在镇内主要广场上。The rioters concentrated at the main square of the town.

我们集中兵力攻击敌人的阵地。We concentrated our forces against the enemy's position.

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其建筑功能也不可能相对集中。The building features can not be relatively concentrated.

必须集中优势兵力歼灭敌人。Superior forces must be concentrated to destroy the enemy.

谢说他眉毛,胡子最浓。Xie said that he eyebrows, beard of the most concentrated.