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铁线莲枯萎病的征兆是什么?What are the symptoms of clematis wilt?

这一直是铁线莲的一个问题吗?Has it always been a problem with clematis?

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北京地区铁线莲属植物的核型研究。Karyotype studies on Clematis from Beijing, China.

如果我的铁线莲得了枯萎病,我是否能做点什么?If my clematis gets wilt, is there anything I can do?

东北铁线莲为毛茛科铁线莲属植物。Clematis manshurica Rupr is from clematis of buttercup.

铁线莲和玫瑰都种植在古老的砖墙旁边。Clematis and roses drape together on the antique brick walls.

铁线莲和玫瑰会相互遮掩,覆盖在古砖墙上。Clematis and roses drape together on the antique brick walls.

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铁线莲枯萎病常常发生在初夏到仲夏这段时期。Clematis wilt most frequently shows up in early to mid-summer.

配上蔓生铁线莲可以给末夏增色。Partner them with a viticella clematis for late-summer colour.

深埋是可以给铁线莲提供的另一种爱护。Another advantage you can give the clematis is to plant it deeply.

第一类的花以上一年孕育的花蕾在春天开放。Group 1 Clematis flower in spring on buds from last year's growth.

告诉我,我新种植的铁线莲如何防止枯萎病?Tell me what I can do to help prevent wilt on new clematis that I am planting.

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这有助于解释为何在某些年份铁线莲枯萎病比其它年份更厉害。This would help explain why clematis wilt is much worse some years than others.

斑贴试验证实鲜威灵仙全草系原发性刺激物。Patch test proved that fresh Clematis chinensis osbeck was the primary irritant.

铁线莲再度流行、壮观起来,但枯萎病的问题仍然存在。Clematis are once again popular and spectacular, but wilt can still be a problem.

目的研究秦岭铁线莲挥发油化学成分。Objective To study the chemical components of volatile oil from Clematis obscura.

铁线莲是一类观赏价值高、具多种抗逆性的藤本植物。Clematis L . is a class of vine with high value of ornamental and multi-resistance.

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湖北铁线莲属大部分种类分布在鄂西山区。Most of the species of Clematis from Hubei concentrate in the west montane region of Hubei.

铁线莲的修剪很难掌握,因为它们总是在新枝条上开花。Clematis florida and its cultivars should be pruned hard as they produce flowers on new wood.

铁线莲若生长在深的、富含腐殖质的土壤中,会生成得更好,并且对枯萎病有最大的抗性。Clematis will grow best and be the most resistant to wilt if it is grown in deep, humus-rich soil.