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我特别喜欢这件花裙。I especially like this flowery skirt.

我特别喜欢这件花纹短裙。I especially like this flowery skirts.

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和你在一起,每一个绚丽清晨。To be with you, in every flowery mornings.

一切如花、花如一切。Everything is flowery and flower is like everything.

世界曾经颠倒黑白,如今回归绚丽色彩。The world once distorting flowery colour, now return.

就如我在夜光中欣赏被飞泉映亮的花影,。Just as I appreciated luminous reflect of flowery picture.

宝宝穿着印花的连身衣,挥动着她手中的拨浪鼓。The baby, dressed in a flowery jumpsuit, waved her rattle.

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最下面是海滩,海滩上的小石头,色彩绚丽。Most below is the beach, beach small stone, flowery colors.

这是一种很花哨的说法,说的是我喜欢做白日梦。This is just a flowery way of saying that I’m a daydreamer.

这种芬芳的烈性酒受许多调酒师的追捧。The flowery liqueur has become a favorite of many bartenders.

春天到来时,成虫就从它的花瓣小窝中破茧而出。Come springtime, the adult bee emerges from its flowery bower.

这仍然是在反对那些无中生有、混淆黑白的花言巧语。This means I oppose fabrication, deception and flowery language.

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依旧漫无目的地荒度如花貌美的青春。Shortage is still severe aimlessly flowery and good-looking youth.

在夏季,推荐使用温暖甜蜜香水和花香。In summer, it is recommended to use sweet-honey and flowery perfumes.

埃米觉得她闻到了伊莎贝尔身上飘出的一丝极微弱的花香味香水的味道。Amy thought she caught the faintest drift of Isabel's flowery perfume.

她更像一只色彩绚丽的蝴蝶,她的舞姿翩跹,楚楚动人!She is more like a flowery colors butterfly, her dancing shake, lovely!

还有什么比浴缸里充满着小嫩枝的水果花香味的泡泡更有趣的呢?What's more fun than a tub full of Little Twig fruity, flowery bubbles?

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现存的动植物必须得适应,填补了绚丽多花的新生态龛。Existing plants and animals had to adapt, filling the flowery new niches.

日本伊奈全球总裁杉野正博昨天接受记者专访时说。Jap an Yinai Global CEO Flowery wild is Bo said in an interview yesterday.

路上见到一个盲人大叔和一个衣杉蓝缕的大妈。Road to see a blind Uncle and a clothing of the past, Flowery cooperating.