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南斯拉夫前锋米赫洛域头球破网为帕尔马领先。Yugoslav striker Savo Milosevic had headed Parma ahead.

在上一次1991年南斯拉夫人口普查中,波斯尼亚有430万人口。In the last Yugoslav census in 1991, Bosnia had a population of 4.3m.

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欧元以及南斯拉夫第纳尔共为科索沃的官方货币。The euro and the Yugoslav dinar are both accepted currencies in Kosovo.

波黑在老南斯拉夫联邦是仅次于马其顿王国的最贫穷的国家。BH ranked next to Macedonia as the poorest republic in the old Yugoslav federation.

比赛结果后,加比克脱掉球衣,赤膊上阵,将南斯拉夫国旗围在腰间。After it was over, Grbic stripped to his underwear and wrapped the Yugoslav flag around his waist.

我看到,一群群足球迷加入了南斯拉夫议会大广场上的人群。I saw groups of football fans joining the crowd at the huge square in front of the Yugoslav parliament.

卡拉季奇现年63岁,出生在前南斯拉夫黑山共和国,父母是塞尔维亚人。Karadzic is 63 years old. He was born of Serbian parents in the former Yugoslav republic of Montenegro.

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红星力压游击夺得联赛冠军,不过克罗地亚的球会已经提前退出。Red Star won the Yugoslav championship ahead of Partizan, yet the Croatian clubs had already withdrawn.

二战后,成为南斯拉夫联邦的6个社会主义共和国之一。After World War II Croatia became one of the 6 Socialist Republics constituting the Yugoslav Federation.

自南斯拉夫在1991年崩溃以来,困扰波斯尼亚的所有争论再次崭露头角。All the arguments that have dogged Bosnia since the Yugoslav collapse in 1991 could come to the fore again.

由于4000名南斯拉夫特警从科索沃撤离,空中打击暂缓执行。The air strikes were delayed when four thousand Yugoslav special police officers were withdrawn from Kosovo.

访问期间,李鹏将在南联盟议会两院特别联合会议上发表讲话。During his visit, Mr Li will address an extraordinary joint session of the two houses of the Yugoslav federal parliament.

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对于我们父母和他们的好友而言,这家南斯拉夫人开办的汽车旅店无疑是人间天堂,在走过一段艰辛的人生之后,可在此歇息喘气,不失为一幸。To my parents and their friends, the Yugoslav motel was an unquestioned paradise, a lucky coda to a set of difficult lives.

这场战争给南联盟人民造成了巨大的灾难,严重威胁到欧洲稳定和世界和平。The war has caused great suffering for the Yugoslav people and posed a serious threat to European stability and world peace.

他指挥一艘登陆艇参加了在进攻西西里和厄尔巴岛的战斗,之后又为南斯拉夫游击队运输补给。He commanded a landing craft taking part in the invasion of Sicily and Elba and later ferried supplies to the Yugoslav partisans.

新任浙直总督胡宗宪配合兵部尚书,接下了城防重任。The new zhejiang straight governor Hu Zongxian cooperate with the ministry of war history, accepted the task of the yugoslav capital.

为此,该国煞费苦心地抓捕了联合国南斯拉夫战争罪行法庭通缉多年的前波斯尼亚塞族将军姆拉迪奇。To that end, they secured the arrest of Ratko Mladic, the former Bosnian Serb general wanted by the UN's Yugoslav war-crimes tribunal.

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姆拉迪奇是90年代的巴尔干战争中的波斯尼亚塞族将军,也是仍然在逃的南斯拉夫战争罪行的最高嫌疑人。Mladic was a Bosnian Serb general during the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and the highest-ranking Yugoslav war crimes suspect still at large.

波斯尼亚塞族战争罪嫌疑人拉特科。姆拉迪奇在海牙举行有关南斯拉夫战争罪的法庭听审中,被法官逐出法庭。Serbian war crimes suspect Ratko Mladic was ordered out of his own arraignment by judges at the Yugoslav war crimes Tribunal in The Hague.

他在任期间,下令没收所有南斯拉夫军方文件,将马其顿人从克罗地亚的战场上拯救了下来。It was he who ordered the seizure of Yugoslav army documents, which meant that the army could not mobilise Macedonians to fight in Croatia.