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秘室里的怪物是一条巴斯里斯克蛇怪。The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk.

是一个可嵌入的数据引擎和虚拟机。Basilisk is an embeddable data engine and virtual machine.

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巴斯里斯克的毒液浸透她的身体真是很快啊?。How quickly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body?

蜥怪停留在射程之内,催眠其敌人。A basilisk stays at range and targets its enemies with sleep.

交配之后,一对蜥怪仍然会在一起生活数月。After mating, a basilisk pair remains together for several months.

一旦其敌人进入射程,蜥怪会转而使用石化凝视攻击。Once its prey enters range, the basilisk switches to its petrifying gaze attack.

当敌人离蜥怪在15尺之内时,蜥怪会开始冲锋。When the enemy reaches a distance of 15 feet or so from the basilisk, the basilisk charges.

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履行了众神的旨意,奎托斯奋力战胜了波斯人带来的蛇妖。Fulfilling his commitment to the Gods, Kratos defeated the Basilisk brought forth by the Persian.

食死徒可以拥有蛇,龙,或鹰头马身有翼兽。但只有伏地魔可以拥有蛇怪。Death Eater may also own snake or dragon or hippogriff. But only Lord Voldemort may possess a basilisk.

原来,蛇怪并没有死,它只是每一百年褪一次皮,今天刚好褪了皮。Originally, the Basilisk is not dead, it is only once every one hundred years, fade skin, fade skin just today.

你知道吗?水上蜥蜴是优秀的游泳选手,一次可在水下呆上长达30分钟。Did you know? Basilisk lizards are excellent swimmers and are capable of remaining underwater for up to 30 minutes.

现任这位是一个来自巴斯里斯克群岛的海盗,他相信罗伊达河会带来比盛夏海更丰饶的东西。This one is a corsair from the Basilisk Islands who believed the Rhoyne would offer richer pickings than the Summer Sea.

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根据罗琳的解释,应该是第一种,凤凰的眼泪将魂器救过来了。When Harry was stabbed by a basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, since he was a Horcrux shouldn't it have been destroyed then?

弥桑黛和她的兄弟们在巴斯里斯克群岛被袭击者从家中带走卖到阿斯塔波为奴。Missandei and her brothers had been taken from their home on Naath by raiders from the Basilisk Isles and sold into slavery in Astapor.

不过,这样一来,Basilisk游戏针对这三个截然不同的平台在程序开发,测试和除错方面一定花费了很多额外的时间和精力。However, the process of developing, testing and debugging for all three of these very different platforms must have represented a lot of extra time and headaches for Basilisk.

它的杀戮方式也十分令人毛骨耸然,除了它毒可致命的尖牙之外,蛇怪还有一双可以杀人的眼睛,任何直视蛇怪目光的东西都会立即死亡。Its methods of killing are most wondrous, for aside from its deadly and venomous fangs, the Basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death.