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反恐精英是一部很棒的电脑游戏。CS is a great computer game.

查看全部6号线政务视频教程。See all Line 6 CS video tutorials.

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让我们来仔细研究一下Main.cs文件中的代码Let’s examine the code in the Main.cs file

向CS经理汇报任何非常规问题。Report any non-routine problems to CS Manager.

最低的是。Cs But the lowest one is way down here, cesium.

文中提出了CS子层分类器的一种实现方案。We introduce a method of CS sub-layer classifier.

CS双制课程,强英语特色。CS double-system courses with English highlighted.

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对Ribbon1.designer.cs文件重复上11和12步。Repeat this step for the Ribbon1.designer.cs file.

政务司司长制度是实质上等同向。The CS system is substantially equivalent to the DataCorp.

在同创求学的这三年里,我学到了很多。I have gained a lot in a span of three years at CS College.

CS也想娶一个才貌双全的姑娘为妻。CS also wants to marry a girl who is both pretty and clever.

难道要为网上购物或者五个C来树碑立传吗?What monument would we build to online shopping or the 5 Cs?

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由于我没有计算机科学学位,因此也就没有大多数理论知识。Since I don't have a CS degree, I missed most of that theory.

兰迪聪慧,迷人,卡内基毕业的计算机学教授。Randy the brilliant, charming, Carnegie educated CS professor.

本文的重点是研究这种编码方法及其差错率。A study of this encoding and its error rote cs emphasized here.

感谢同创学院帮助我开启了事业的大门。Many thanks to CS College for helping me open a way to success.

多数电子生意至少达不到三个c中的一个。Most e-businesses fall short on at least one of these three Cs.

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大多数的皮安计都有最大的CS推荐值。Most picoammeters will have a maximum recommended value for CS.

继发性糖尿病的治疗重点应是原发病的根治。Therapeutical emphasis of steroid diabetes is radical cure of CS.

结论剖宫产同时挖除子宫肌瘤是安全可行的。Conclusion Myomectomy during CS was a safe and an effective procedure.