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那是怡飞姑娘的眼睛。That is the Overfly girl's eyes.

我既不能飞越也不能绕飞CB的主体。I couldn't either overfly or fly round the CB cells.

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怡飞姑娘静止如湖水般地安坐着。Overfly girl peacefully and statically sits as lake water.

这家航空公司还未获得飞越坦桑尼亚领空的许可。Permission has not yet been granted for the airline to overfly Tanzania.

此举标志西安国家民用航天产业基地在现代物流产业聚集上实现重大飞跃。This action marks that XCAIB realizes the great overfly in modern logistics cluster.

再醒来时,我发现我好象是在一个空间实验站里,没有了热情,没有了怡飞姑娘。Woke up, I find that I seem to be in a space experiment station, there is no enthusiasm, not the Overfly girl.

啊,怡飞姑娘的眼睫毛竟然也是银绿色的,在银光如泻的月色下,闪闪生辉。Ah, Overfly girl eyelashes turns out to be silver green, in the silver moonlight it is as flowing sparkles and glittering.

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令我非常惊异的是自己的精神力量,比通常增大了数百倍,这是怡飞姑娘赋予我的力量吗?I am very surprised that my spiritual strength, hundreds of times larger than usual, which is the Overfly girl giving me force?

明亮的月光使怡飞姑娘浅绿色的衣衫和雪白的脸容上,辉映着银绿色。The bright moonlight projects to the slightly green clothing and pale face of the Overfly girl, shining the silver green color.

公司员工始终把“没有最好,只有更好”的格言作为我们工作的信条,使科尔电脑公司在竞争中飞跃。Our staff pursue "no best, only better" as our working credendum all along, that makes us overfly unceasingly in this vehement comparison.

这样通过量子计算机选排列数,利用对偶性,对称性,守恒性等等性质,他们根本不需担心怡飞姑娘能飞到哪里去。This election ordered number through quantum computer, using duality, symmetry, conservation of nature, etc. , they do not have to worry the Overfly girl could fly to where to go.