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像对待学习日一样对待每一个工作日。Treat every workday like a school day.

在公司上班的典型的工作日是什么样的?What was your typical workday like at the firm?

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事实上,在工作日内我很少有额外的休息。In fact, I seldom get an extra break in my workday.

以仪式化的方式去结束这一天的工作。Ritualize your transition at the close of the workday.

以仪式化的方式来过渡去结束这一天的工作。Ritualize your transition at the close of the workday.

你几乎可以在做任何日常工作时进行冥想。You can also bring meditation into almost any workday task.

你认为一个理想的工作日是怎样的?Create the ideal workday . What would your ideal workday be?

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亚马逊曾经只在工作日的午餐时间达到流量最高峰。Amazon once saw spikes in traffic during the workday lunch hours.

当早晨散步时,我会精神抖擞地准备好工作的一天。During the morning walk, I’m able to mentally prepare for my workday.

福特之所以这麽做,是为了确保工作品质,并且让工厂一天能有三班工人在轮流工作。Ford did this to ensure quality work and allow a three-shift workday.

周四在雅典街头,正常的工作日活动没有了。On the streets of Athens Thursday, normal workday activity was muted.

尽管如此,有时她的工作日还是会因为孩子生病而被弄得一团乱。Still, there have been times when her workday was upended by a sick child.

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或者最好是你能不能告诉我你自己渡过8小时工作日的秘密?Or better yet, what are your secrets to getting through the 8-hour workday?

试一下这个网站,它能帮助你快一点打发工作时间。Check it out — it can help your otherwise dreary workday go a little faster.

音乐可以让凶猛的野兽平静,或者音乐至少可以让工作时间变短些。Music may calm the savage beast or, at least, make the workday seem shorter.

最近一个工作日她忙里偷闲带儿子去看医生。On a recent weekday she interrupted her workday to take her son to the doctor.

下面的面谈等待时间表显示的是于头一个工作日统计的大致的面谈等待时间。The table of wait times below shows only a snapshot taken the previous workday.

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日本人很重视工作,即使一天工作15个小时也不稀奇。The Japanese value work very highly and don't consider a 15-hour workday unusual.

如果这家人在工作日也开中央空调的话,节省的电量会更多。The savings would be greater if the family ran its central air during the workday.

比起在工作日增加额外的流程及会议来说,关注于行动是个更好的办法。A better answer than adding extra steps and meetings to a workday is to focus on action.