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布伦特·赛德勒报道。As Brent Sadler reports.

所以,近期内,布伦特原油价格会进一步下跌。So Brent should fall further in the near term.

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“唔,我忘记了,”布伦特连忙解释说。“Oh, I forgot about that,” said Brent hastily.

我要为阿历克斯•布兰特先生订房间。I need to make a reservation for Mr. Alex Brent.

别人会死——会的,但是她,埃米莉•布伦特不会。The others would die-yes-but not she, Emily Brent.

斯考克罗夫特表示,这是欧洲人可以帮忙的地方。Brent Scowcroft said that's where the Europeans can help.

财产的二分之一分给阿曼达,布伦特和托马斯各四分之一。To Brent and Thomas, one quar- ter of the originalamount.

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博蓝特想知道一套立体音响系统要多少钱。Brent wanted to find out how much a stereo system would cost.

斯图尔特本来是可以匹配的,但布伦特不满意。And Stuart might have made the match, but Brent had not been satisfied.

当然芬利,托马斯巴利同样值得依赖。Michael Finley, Brent Barry, and Kurt Thomas can be depended upon as well.

前国家安全顾问斯考克罗夫特认为,可能会有反作用。Former National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft says there may be a backlash.

好的,女士。艾利克斯布兰特先生什么时间抵达,需要呆几晚?Fine, madam. When will Mr. Brent be arriving, and how many nights will be staying?

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埃米莉•布伦特正高踞在印地安岛之巅,自得于自己的道德修养之中。Emily Brent sat on the summit of Indian Island, encased in her own armour of virtue.

在麦蒂和巴里缺阵的情况下,这是我能为球队做出的最大帮助。That is the best way that I help this team with TMac and Brent Barry currently hurt.

除了阿尔布莱特学院的埃德尔博士和布兰特.哈格尔博士以外,哈莱特博士也在进行这项研究。Dr. Hallett conducted the study along with Dr. Eder and Brent Harger of Albright College.

是。我是伍斯特伍德律师。我想为艾利克斯布兰特先生订一间房间。Yes. I'm calling from Westwood Attorneys. I need to make a reservation for Mr. Alex Brent.

财产的二分之一分给阿曼达,布伦特和托马斯各四分之一。To Amanda, Igive half of my money. To Brent and Thomas, one quar- ter of the originalamount.

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1979年生于加拿大新斯科舍省,现居德国柏林。Brent Wadden, born in 1979 in Nova Scotia, Canada, currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

“唔,他可以到费耶特维尔那边的帕马利法官事务所去学法律嘛,”布伦特漫不经心地答道。"Oh, he can read law in Judge Parmalee's office over in Fayetteville, " answered Brent carelessly.

“唔,他可以到费耶特维尔那边的帕马利法官事务所去学法律嘛,”布伦特漫不经心地答道。“Oh, he can read law in Judge Parmalee’s office over in Fayetteville, ” answered Brent carelessly.