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联邦调查局当时也想对这些人发动强攻。The FBI wanted to storm them, too.

我可讨厌受到联邦调查局的监视。I hate being stood over by the FBI.

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FBI总部的电话响了。The phone rings at FBI headquarters.

汤姆的邻居被联邦调查局抓走了。Tom’s neighbour was snatched by the FBI.

恭候多时了。你们是纽约警局的还是联邦调查局的?I was expecting you. Are you NYPD or FBI?

联邦调查局局长也会。The Director of the FBI would contribute.

第二天,FBI来到汤姆家,搜索了柴房,劈开了每块木头,结果没有发现大麻。On the next day, the FBI goes to Tom's house.

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你不能让FBI从我们手里带走阿雷特。You can't let the FBI take Arete away from us.

贝里克很快就把他的身份换成了联邦特工。Bellick changed his identity into a FBI agent soon.

美国联邦调查局2002年在北京设置了一个联络处。The FBI set up a liaison office in Beijing in 2002.

联办调查局的官员声称他们破获了一个俄罗斯间谍网络.The FBI claimed to have uncovered a Russian spy ring.

弗里担任联邦调查局主任,从1993年至2001年。Freeh served as director of the FBI from 1993 to 2001.

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请问没被FBI通缉吧?You're not on the run from the FBI? We can ask you why?

希望我们不要搞到FBI人员带着搜查令来敲门的地步。We don't want the FBI at our door with a search warrant.

他们甚至不会去跟随想收拢他们的FBI。They won’t even go after the FBI agent trying to nail them.

美国联邦调查局发言人保尔·布�森说,联邦调查局正在调查这起事件。FBI spokesman Paul Bresson said the agency was investigating.

通过电影会发现FBI探员经常男扮女装。According to the movies, FBI agents are always dressing in drag.

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1986年,李作为一名特工进入联邦调查局。Ms. Lee entered on duty with the FBI as a special agent in 1986.

为了搜集更多的线索,联邦探员仔细解剖了尸体。FBI anatomized the ashes carefully in order to gather more clues.

联邦调查局因找不到刑事罪行的行为而把案件结束。The FBI closed their cases since criminal behavior was not found.