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他们只知道逃遁。They know only evacuation.

疏散通道,普埃布拉州,墨西哥,1997。Evacuation Route, Puebla State, Mexico, 1997

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海啸的受害者们现在都在避难所里。Those tsunami victims are in evacuation centers.

为疏散人员提供湿毛巾和干毯子。Provide wet towels and dry blankets for evacuation.

熟知紧急疏散和消防工作程序。Conversant with emergency evacuation fire procedures.

他在班机撤退的期间表现得很英勇。He had acted heroical ly during the liner's evacuation.

作业场地每年都应做一次紧急疏散演习。The site should conduct annual emergency evacuation drills.

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联系当地的权威部门了解紧急撤离计划。Contact local authorities about emergency and evacuation plans.

这样的撤离会使封堵工作耽误10到14天。Such an evacuation could delay sealing efforts by 10 to 14 days.

前震活动的增加引发了疏散警报。An increase in foreshock activity triggered the evacuation warning.

在从霍斯撤离的时候,3PO和R2分开了。During the evacuation from Hoth, Threepio and Artoo were separated.

然后他在蒂姆斯战役中成功地保卫了一次撤离行动。He then successfully defended an evacuation at the Battle of Tiems.

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为什么会有这样多的地方需要撤侨?Why should there be so many places where the evacuation took place?

公共汽车排成长队帮助撤离莫桑比克人。Buses have been lined up to help with the evacuation of Mozambicans.

为你的家庭以及公司制定紧急撤离计划。Develop emergency and evacuation plans for your family and business.

这张照片显示了敦刻尔克撤退的复杂程度。This picture shows how complex the evacuation from Dunkirk could be.

因此食物排空对养胃很关键。Therefore, food evacuation is very important for your stomach health.

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该文的研究工作可为地铁车站人员疏散设计和应急预案制定提供参考。The results can be used in evacuation design of various subway stations.

菅直人说,依照疏散决定行事是为了居民的安全。Kan said the evacuation advisory is being done for the residents' safety.

但是10分钟后,纽约港务局又开始疏散塔内人员。Then, minutes later, the New York Port Authority initiates an evacuation.