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FSH在卵泡腔的形成中有决定性的作用。FSH was a crucial factor in formation of follicular antrum.

结膜炎伴有滤泡怎样用药?。Does conjunctivitis companion have follicular how to use drug?

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外周为透明带和卵泡细胞。All the oocytes are surrounded by zona pellucida and follicular cells.

卵母细胞借助微绒毛穿过透明带与卵泡细胞胞质突起相联系。Oocyte and follicular cells were linked by zone pellucida and microvilli.

人卵泡液中HB-EGF可能在卵泡发育过程中起重要作用。HB-EGF may play an important role in the development of the follicular fluid.

LN2和LN1对源于滤泡中心细胞淋巴瘤有更强的反应。LN2 and LN1 reacted more strongly with the follicular center-derived lymphomas.

大多数卵泡都经过退化变为闭锁卵泡。Most ovarian follicles undergo an involutional process called follicular atresia.

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滤泡式咖啡壶适合手感稳定、口感敏锐的品咖啡一族。Follicular coffee pot handle for stability, sharp taste of coffee products family.

因为卵泡期的长短易变,排卵随时有可能发生。Because follicular period accident is changeful, oviposit happens likely at any time.

建立了早卵泡期妇女正常反应范围。Normal range of the pituitary response during early follicular phase was established.

生殖腺为滤泡型,由营养细胞和生殖细胞共同构成。The gonads are the follicular style and are composed of germ cells and nutrition cells.

上述结果说明,胶体或滤泡的体积变小萎缩。These results showed that the colloid or follicular volume became smaller and atrophic.

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良性囊肿在月经前更明显而在卵泡期大小恢复。Benign cysts may be more prominent premenstrually and regress in size during the follicular phase.

这些结果表明,SPARC可能在小鼠卵泡发育和黄体形成与退化过程中起重要作用。Our data suggest that SPARC may play a role in follicular development and corpus luteum formation.

提示补肾中药促卵泡发育的作用可能与提高雌激素水平有关。The effect of ZG for improving follicular development may be related to improving the level of E2.

毛囊性丘疹和脓疱在青春期加重,并伴有畏光、结膜干燥、睑缘炎。Follicular pustular and papules aggravated in the puberty with photophobia, xeroma and blepharitis.

应用蛋白质组学方法可以筛选与卵母细胞成熟及一些与生殖疾病有关的标记蛋白。Certain proteins could be seen as possible markers for oocyte maturation during follicular development.

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有时很难区分分化好的滤泡状腺癌与滤泡状腺瘤。It is sometimes difficult to tell a well-differentiated follicular carcinoma from a follicular adenoma.

并可作为自分泌或旁分泌因子调节卵泡的发育和成熟。They also functions as paracrine or autocrine hormones modulating follicular development and maturation.

淋巴结的滤泡中心主要是B细胞,滤泡旁区多是T细胞。In the lymph nodes, follicular centers are primarily B cells, and parafollicular zones are primarily T cells.