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我来拖地板。I'll mop the floor.

谁在拖地板?。Who is mop the floor?

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你从哪找来拖把的?Where'd you get a mop?

快擦擦地板上的水。Mop up the floor, quickly.

他用拖把擦地板。He took a mop to the floor.

把拖把放到拖把架上。Put the mops on the mop racks.

发明设计一个自动拧干的拖布怎么样?How about a "self-wringing" mop?

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用这块旧布擦地板。Mop the floor with this old cloth.

用拖把把撒在地上的水拖掉。Please sop up the water with a mop.

我一星期两次用拖把拖厨房的地板。I mop the kitchen floor twice a week.

扫地,如果有时间,最好拖一下.Sweep floors, and mop if you have time.

拖把头可替换,可机洗。Replaceable mop refill machine washable.

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她得用拖把墩地板。She had to go over the floor with a mop.

我们可以使用海绵擦,毛巾或者拖布。We could use a sponge, a towel or a mop.

他把湿的拖把的水给挤出来。He squeezed the water out of the wet mop.

我用拖把把泼出的水擦干。I used a mop to sop up the spilled water.

你真该看看他那狼吞虎咽地喝啤酒的样子。You should have seen him mop up the beer.

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用软布抹拭清洁防护罩。To mop and clean shield with a soft cloth.

我们可以用海绵、毛巾或者是拖把来打扫。We could use a sponge, a towel or a mop.

她一直罗罗唆唆地催他去拖地板。She's been nagging at him to mop the floor.