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我选择这样做。I chose to.

任其流动。To just be.

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带回888号监狱去。Back to 888.

全部免费?Free to all?

很难说Hard to say.

怎样行走。How to walk.

给他警告!To warn him!

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荣耀归神!Glory To God!

喜欢画画?Like to draw?

喜欢钓鱼吗?Like to fish?

向爱而生。Live to love.

来谢谢你。To thank you.

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回屋去么?To the house?

换成哪边?To which one?

去后海。Up to Houhai.

一切准备好了,出发。All set to go.

要读的书呢?Books to read?

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去英国吗?Go to England?

去上大学。Go to college.

他去同珀金斯先生告别。He went to Mr.