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而在人类社会中,人们普遍称拥有此特征的人为侏儒。In people the condition is known vulgarly as dwarfism.

许多遗体还很年轻或是有点残疾,例如矮化。Many of the remains were young or had deformities, such as dwarfism.

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第一个患者是一名4嵗零10个月大的男孩伴有手足搐搦和矮小。The first was a boy aged 4 years 10 months with tetany and dwarfism.

中国小人国的工作人员全部都是侏儒症患者。China's Kingdom of the Little People is staffed entirely by people with dwarfism.

人工授粉和杂交亲本树矮化等实用技术。The control pollination and dwarfism of parent trees were also described in the paper.

人们应该根据技能来评判侏儒症患者。People with dwarfism should be judged and evaluated according to their skills and abilities.

我也不介意谈论侏儒症,因为那会让人们明白我和他们一样也是人。I don't mind talking about dwarfism because that makes people see I'm a person just like them.

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对我来说孩子可能继承侏儒症从感情上太难理解了。It was hard for me to understand how I felt about the possibility of my child inheriting dwarfism.

侏儒症是遗传学和医学上的罕见疾病,一万名新生儿中大约只有一名。Dwarfism is a rare genetic and medical condition involving only one out of about ten thousand births.

最后,锌缺乏则好象有较高的风险引起侏儒、腹泻和肺炎。Finally, insufficient zinc appears to be linked to a higher risk of dwarfism , diarrhoea and pneumonia.

平平,一个20岁的蒙古人,有着称之为原始矮态的疾病。他在他的家乡经营着一个餐厅。Pingping, a 20-year-old from Mongolia, has a condition called primordial dwarfism. He runs a restaurant back home.

碘缺乏最严重的后果是脖子上出现甲状腺肿,或者是明显的残疾,比如呆小症和侏儒症。The result in extreme cases is large goiters that swell their necks, or other obvious impairments such as dwarfism or cretinism.

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导致先天小头的疾病,最严重的一种是原发性小头侏儒症,患者在童年就会过世。Individuals afflicted with the most severe congenital form of microcephaly, primordial microcephalic dwarfism , die in childhood.

最明显和最严重的后果是残障性甲状腺肿、呆小病和侏儒症。The most visible and severe effects —disabling goiters, cretinism and dwarfism —affect a tiny minority, usually in mountain villages.

这个体形矮小的女孩子患有软骨发育不全症,根据印度方面的纪录,软骨发育不全是世界上最小的女孩。The teenager, who is the world's smallest girl according to the Indian Book of Records, has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia.

但除了那些能导致侏儒症和巨人症的基因突变,科学家们很难确定导致正常人身高差异的具体基因片断。But other than rare mutations that result in dwarfism or gigantism, scientists have had little success identifying genes that govern stature.

据媒体披露,巴拉文其实患有“侏儒症”,生长发育迟缓,至今走路都不稳当,站立时间也不能太久。According to media reports, in fact, Bala text with "dwarfism", growth retardation, still not safe walking, standing, time can not be too long.

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她患的侏儒症对医生来说是全新的,但她的情况更为复杂,因为她被亲生家庭抛弃,而造成她的家庭病史无从知晓。She has a form of dwarfism that is unknown to doctors, complicated by the fact that she was abandoned and no family history is available for her.

艾比得了一种非常罕见的先天性不对称身材矮小性发育异综合征,又称原始侏儒症,发病率只有十万分之一。She suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Russell-Silver syndrome, a form of primordial dwarfism which affects only one in 100,000 babies.

艾比得了一种非常罕见的先天性不对称身材矮小性发育异综合征,又称原始侏儒症,发病率只有十万分之一。She suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Russell-Silver syndrome, a form of primordial dwarfism which affects only one in 100, 000 babies.