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我以前住在台北。I used to live in Taibei.

我在台北预订过的。I made a reservation in Taibei.

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到台北机场怎样走?How can I get to Taibei airport?

就在台北的北方。It's just in the north of Taibei.

我毕业后才搬到台北来的。I only moved to Taibei after I graduated.

你的朋友在乘火车去台北吗?Is your friend taking the train to Taibei?

在台北东边,大约100公里左右。It's about 100 kilometres, east of Taibei.

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我们将在10分钟内降落台北机场。We will land at Taibei Airport in ten minutes.

中华航空公司往台北的班机是几号登机门?。What is the gate number for China Air Lines to Taibei?

请你告诉我坐几路公共汽车到台北火车站。Please tell me which bus goes to the Taibei train station.

台北凹陷在侏罗纪以后成为吐哈盆地的沉积中心。Taibei Say was the depositional center of Turpan-Harmi Basin after Jurassic.

台北市立动物园是我周末最喜欢去的地方。The Taibei municipally established zoo is a place which I weekend most likes.

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台北凹陷西部的油源基本上都来自胜北洼陷,由于胜北洼陷生油岩埋藏深。Oil and gas in the west of Taibei sag come from Shengbei depression basically.

未来2年温度在总趋势上升的前提下将处在一个偏冷期。The annual average temperature of Taibei will be in cold period in the next 2 years.

显示捷运台北车站在标示系统设计与设置上仍有改善的空间。Demonstrated MRT Taibei main station still has the improvement space in the sign system.

葡北地区是吐哈盆地台北凹陷较有利的滚动勘探开发目标区。Pubei area is a fairly promising progressive exploration target in Taibei sag, Tuha basin.

中国香港选手罗秀锋和中国台北选手汪明辉也均进入复赛。Luo Xiufeng from Hongkong, China and Wang Minghui from Chinese Taibei were both qualified, too.

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它是台北坳陷寻找工业油气的有利目的层。They are favorable targets in the exploration of commercial oil and gaseposits in the TaiBei Depression.

台北凹陷及其周边是吐哈盆地勘探前侏罗系油气的最有利地区。Taibei sag is the main prospect area for the exploration in pre-Jurassic formations in Turpan-Hami basin.

分析并探讨了台北凹陷隐蔽油气藏发育的概念类型与分布。The concept, types and distributions of subtle reservoirs developed in Taibei sag are analyzed and dis-cussed.