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瑞珀市有许多自豪之处。Naperville has many prides.

我家的房子有四个卧室。My family lives in a four bedroom house in Naperville.

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瑞华中文学校是瑞柏社区的一所中文学校。Ray Chinese School is a Naperville Community Chinese School.

纳普维利的高中生金.达根认为新规则太荒谬了。Naperville senior Kim Duggan thinks the new rules are ridiculous.

这也是一个购物的天堂,商店比比皆是。It is also a shopper's paradise, stores are everywhere in Naperville.

在周末,我可以看到飞机在瑞珀市上空飞翔。In the weekend, I can hear airplanes flying above the city of Naperville.

在这里,你可以看到,小小的瑞珀市装着一个大世界。As you can see, Naperville is a little city in America with a whole world inside it.

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我还要告诉你们瑞珀市最酷的称为航天的住宅区。I have to tell you the coolest subdivision called Aerospace subdivision in Naperville.

瑞珀市是一个西郊芝加哥三十英里的城市,到芝加哥约45分钟车程。It is kind of like Naperville. Naperville is one of the west suburbs of Chicago, about a 45 minute drive to Chicago.

卓南思还表示,这一地区,包括部分珀维尔和奥罗拉地区,每位老师要教的学生人数可能会增加到31人,“这会给课堂上的因材施教带来更大的困难。”The district, which includes parts of Naperville and Aurora, may increase class sizes to 31 students per teacher, Dranias said.

不管你信不信,瑞珀市连续三次被美国得高望众的杂志“金钱“评为最适合家庭居住的好地方。Believe it or not, Naperville has been recognized as the best place to raise a family in the United States three times by a prestige Money magazine.

几年以后,有一个夏天,当我们驾车经过美国的瑞珀市中心,妈妈指着一大片的土地,“看,这是社区园圃!Years later, one day, when we drove by Naperville downtown in a summer, Mom pointed out a big land, "See, this is the community garden plot" she told me.