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这样的结构和中心粒很相似。Its structure is similar to that of a centriole.

晚期精细胞中出现单个中心粒,但在成熟精子中消失。A single centriole appears at the late stage of spermatid.

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中段包括5或6个线粒体,一对中心粒及一些泡状结构。The midpiece consists of 5 or 6 mitochondria, a pair of centriole and several vesicles.

它同成熟的父代中心粒有相同的结构,但仅仅是父代中心粒长度的一半。It has the same structure as the mature parental centriole , but is only about half its length.

中心粒复合体位于植入窝中,由近端中心粒和基体两部分组成。The centriolar complex was inside implantation fossa and consisted of proximal centriole and basal body.

每条柱状结构分别依附于每一条节柱与外周致密纤维连接处的内侧。The distal centriole divides into nine columns, each of which adheres to the inner side of every segmented column.

中段较短,近端中心粒和远端中心粒互相垂直。The midpiece of spermatozoon is short. The proximal centriole and distal centriole are perpendicular to each other.

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其中的中心粒复合体由基体和退化的近端中心粒组成。The centriolar complex, which is located in the implantation fossa, consists of basal body and degenerated proximal centriole.

中心粒存在于动物细胞和许多真菌及原生生物的细胞核外,但在大多数高等植物中缺失。The centriole lies outside the nucleus of animal cells and many fungal and protoctist cells, but is absent in cells of most higher plants.

中心粒附属物和近端中心粒的相继消失可以看作是成熟的最后标志。The disappearing of the centriolar adjunct and proximal centriole in succession might be considered as a sign of being mature completely of the spermatid.

动物细胞与中心粒相连,而在植物和真菌细胞中,纺锤体与微管组织中心的离子相连。In animals it is associated with centriole , while in plant and fungal cells spindle formation is associated with reions called microtubule organizing centers.

远端中心粒呈钟罩形,顶端与近端中心粒相连,底部开口处与精子尾部轴丝端相连。The distal centriole is like a bell, with its top connecting to the proximal centriole and with the entrance of its bottom connecting to the axoneme of the sperm tail.

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中心粒复合体位于植入窝内,袖套中分布著线粒体和一些囊泡。The centriolar complex, including the proximal centriole and the basal body, locates in the implantation fossa. the sleeve composes of several mitochondria and vesicles.