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首先,感谢您和康克迪亚大学。I am grateful to you and Concordia.

这就是现在康科迪亚的样子。This is what the Coast Concordia looks like now.

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在同一年也出现了“维滕贝格迪亚”。In the same year also appeared the "Wittenberg Concordia".

明尼苏达州圣保罗的肯考迪哑学院也缺少男孩子,那里61%是女生。Concordia College in St. Paul, Minn. , Which is 61 percent female.

感谢您对协和大学的关注,如果需要的话请使用下列链接。If you wish to contact Concordia University, please use the following links.

我是一名刚刚从加拿大学成归国的毕业生。I just graduated from concordia university in canada , and my major is finance.

这是沉没的游轮“科斯塔康科迪亚”的第一个周年纪念日。This is the first anniversary of the sinking of the cruise ship the "Costa Concordia".

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原冕宁沙坝混合片麻岩锆石一致曲线年龄的计算是正确的。The calculation of the zircon concordia age for the Shaba migmatiticgneiss, Mianning County, is correct.

康科迪亚语言夏令营里有说各种西欧和斯堪的纳维亚语言的村子,也有说汉语和日语的村子。Concordia had villages speaking the Western European and Scandinavian languages, as well as Chinese and Japanese.

位于蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学和肯考迪娅大学,做为教育和英语语言研究中心而闻名世界。A centre for education and research, the English-language institutions McGill University and Concordia University are world renown.

来自Concordia大学的一个研究小组研究出一种技术,能够有效的鉴别出匿名邮件的作者。A team of researchers from Concordia University has developed an effective new technique to determine the authorship of anonymous emails.

三小时后,一架巴西空军飞机发现了从肯考迪娅号放下的救生艇在离里约热内卢海岸大约300公里以外的海面漂浮。Brazilian Air Force plane spotted the rafts from the Concordia floating about 300 miles off the coast of Rio de Janeiro three hours later.

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意大利的工程师们成功将柯斯达康柯达号游艇扶正,此时它已在吉廖岛海岸搁浅20个月。Engineers in Italy have succeeded in setting the cruise ship Costa Concordia upright, 20 months after it ran aground off the island of Giglio.

亏得她的课程项目让她了解食物生产和养殖过程,这位肯高迪亚高三的学生连鸡也不吃了。But thanks to a class project to learn about how food is produced and raised, the Concordia High School junior is crossing chicken off her list.

教堂的牧师蒂莫西·苏泊把这本书的图像发给圣·路易士的肯考迪亚神学院图书馆的研究人员,他们现已确认了这本书的来历。Eventually the church's pastor, Timothy Shoup, sent images of it to researchers at Concordia Seminary Library in St. Louis, who have now identified it.

今年年初,我们达成了与美国明尼苏达州,毛海德市康考杰大学国际语言村的合作协议。Early this year, we singed an agreement of cooperation with the Global Language Villages, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, the United States of America.

其它协和命名的机构既不属于协和大学体系,也不属于路德教会-密苏里教会。比如有墨尔海德的协和学院及位于蒙特利尔的协和大学。Other Concordias are not affiliated with the CUS or the Missouri Synod, including Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota and Concordia University in Montreal.

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明尼苏达州湖泊区的康科迪亚语言夏令营里有几个村子,完全仿照所教语言的国家的村庄建立。The Concordia Language Camps in Minnesota’s lake country featured several villages that were replicas of those in the countries whose languages were being taught.

在肯高迪亚高中,我们让学生们尽可能多地参与进去,如有可能,让他们利用项目学习,与现实世界接轨。At Concordia High School, we want to engage our students as much as possible, using project based learning when applicable and real world application, if possible.

加拿大的肯考迪亚大学的研究者在心理学与营销杂志上撰文称,在线的头像常常反应其创建者的个性。Researchers at Concordia University in Canada report in the journal Psychology and Marketing that online avatars usually reflect the personality of their creators.