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无臭,有涩味。Odourless, with acerbity.

腐植酸钠如何化验?。Humic acerbity natrium how assay?

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为什么我的腰老是酸而无力?。Why my waist often acerbity and faint?

我的脖子很酸,有什么方法可以治疗啊?My neck is very acerbity , what method can be treated?

为什么我喝了蜂蜜水之后会感觉酸酸的?。Why can acerbity sick at heart feel after I drank honey water?

它还是白酒苦味或涩味的主要来源之一。It is also one of the main sources to bitterness and acerbity of liquor.

这些天睡醒总腰酸背痛的怎么回事?。Wake up these days of total acerbity backache how to return a responsibility?

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甲蝗酸帕珠沙星治疗淋病效果怎么样?Does bead sand star treat armour locust acerbity handkerchief clap effect how?

大家都知道,香蕉未成熟时,外皮呈青绿色,剥去外皮,涩得不能下咽。As we all know banana immature a green skin remove skin can acerbity swallow it.

色较深,香味充分,酸度适中,回味涩度控制的好,无涩味。It has dark color and sweet smell, medium sourness, well controlled aftertaste, no acerbity.

当香蕉成熟之后,虽然已尝不出涩味了,但鞣酸的成分仍然存在。When ripe bananas although has tasted a acerbity but the tannic acid composition still exists.

而红酸枝依然有小幅度上涨,其他红木价格没有太大变化。And red acerbity branch still has little scope to rise, other annatto price does not have too big change.

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这种茶在苦涩中带着浓重的又甜又咸的味道,还有扑鼻的香味。This tea has a rich taste with sweetness and saltiness amid acerbity , as well as a permeating fragrance.

还有铁制造的,铁很轻易被酸大面积腐蚀,从而把涂层掀起。Still iron is made, iron is accumulated very easily to corrode by acerbity bedding face, lift coating thereby.

经常在电脑前,眼睛有点痒有点涩用那种眼药水比较好,刺激小。Often be before computer, the eye is a bit urticant a bit acerbity better with the sort of eyedrop , stimulation is small.

我怀孕了,但腰酸背痛的,下腹还有点疼?这是怎么回事?。I was pregnant, but of lumbar acerbity backache, do next abdomens still ache a bit? Is this how to return a responsibility?

它的作用是补气止血、酸消肿、热化湿、气止痛,并制成袋泡剂。Its role is to fill the gas and hemostasia refine the acerbity and detumescence and clear hotness to moisture ill the pain.

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经常头晕,乏力,没精神,注意里不集中是为什么?早上刚起床还眼睛就很涩。Often giddy, lack of power, bloodless , be in noticing Libuji, why? Just got up in the morning still the eye is very acerbity.

这样可以满足热能需要,另一方面还可纠正体内氨基酸代谢异常。So OK and contented heat energy needs, still can correct on the other hand amino acerbity metabolization is unusual inside body.

汀布拉茶的汤色鲜红,滋味爽口柔和,带花香,涩味较少。The Shangse that lowing cloth pulls tea is bright red, flavor tastily downy, the belt is beautiful sweet, acerbity taste is less.