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血影刀光谈笑间,匹马西风人憔悴。Blood knife light shadow talk, horse westerly winds.

纬向感热输送主要是西风输送。The zonal sensible heat transfer is mainly by westerly winds.

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温氏兄弟打个手势,也不说话,向西便行。The brothers gestured silently and set off in a westerly direction.

西风却镇定地催促向南持续考博。Westerly winds have calmly urged south continues to test abundantly.

在那个时候,它是最西风边境驻军在中国。At that time, it was the most westerly frontier military garrison in China.

而在MJO的后面,或者是西面,高空风是向东的,并且降水增强。In advance, or to the east, of the MJO enhanced activity, winds aloft are westerly.

飒飒西风满院栽,蕊寒香冷蝶难来。The westerly full courtyard planting, pistil fragrance cold butterfly difficult to.

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我了解,医生,劳拉说,而且西风承认,他,也,将会保持安静。I understand, Doctor, Lara said, and Westerly acknowledged that he, too, would keep quiet.

大部分的德国有一个季节性的温带气候,以潮湿的西风为主。Most of Germany has a temperate seasonal climate in which humid westerly winds predominate.

喀什是中国最西部省份新疆沙漠中的绿洲。Kashgar is an urban oasis within the vast deserts of Xinjiang, China's most westerly province.

耀斑产生的扰动有分别向东、西方向的方位角速度存在。The flare-produced disturbances have an azimuthal velocity easterly and westerly respectively.

分析表明,控制中国西北干旱区的天气系统主要为西风系统。The results show that the control weather system in arid area of NW China is mainly westerly system.

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在波动位相下传的情况下,波动向上输送能量和西风角动量。Provided that the phase propagates downward, the wave transports energy and westerly momentum upward.

闽南地区在偏西风下的酸雨出现率大,东北风下最小。The frequency is large with the westerly wind but small with the northeasterly wind in southern Fujian.

艾莉注意到顺着吹得树木呼啸作响的西风,雨从天上倾斜而下。Allie watched the rain fall diagonally from the sky as it rode on westerly winds that whistled over the trees.

随后当夏浪进入西风带范围,它将会受其影响向东北移动。As HALONG becomes embedded within the westerlies afterwards, it will be steered by the westerly flow and move NE.

贝格尔号试图在11月15号出海,但第二天早上,强西风又把她逼了回来。The Beagle tried to head out to sea on 15 November, but strong westerly gale winds force her back the next morning.

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冬季风和西风强盛可能是苏干湖小冰期湿润的原因之一。The prevalent winter monsoon and westerly might be one of the reasons why the Little Ice Age in Lake Sugan is humid.

相类似地是,它的天气是西风盛行,但是在近地表的部分,风向变化会比较大。Likewise, its weather is dominated by prevailing westerly winds, but with significant variation near the earth surface.

中纬度西风槽提供了有利于台风远距离降水的大尺度背景场。Additionally, westerly trough provides a large-scale background that can benefit the occurring of mid-latitude rainfall.