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教育学是什么?Pedagogic what be?

也是教师教学艺术的重要组成部分。Also be the main component of pedagogic education skill.

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国家怎样实行教师资格制度?How does the country implement pedagogic seniority system?

在教育教学工作中,教师的语言尤其重要。In teaching education to work, pedagogic language especially important.

可以说教育学研究生入学考试内容是比较庞大的。Can say content of matriculation of pedagogic graduate student is gianter.

第一,教师工作要专业化,教学工作量要适当。The first, pedagogic job wants to specialization, education workload wants proper.

像我这样的教师打工仔,要买一套房子谈何轻易。Resemble me such pedagogic young worker, want to buy easier said than done of a house.

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事实上,他还是教学领域中“最具有创造力教学理论的炮制者”之一。He was, indeed, one of the most fecund generators of pedagogic theorems⑦ in the teaching world.

完成一周接一周的课程安排是比人们认识的困难的多的考验。Lecturing week after week, as part of the pedagogic routine, is more of a test than people realise.

对教育公共性特征的阐释,只能依据其教育学属性。The interpretation of the public character of education can only be based on its pedagogic property.

数学史在数学课程中的核心教育价值在于培养学生的创新思维和创造能力。The core pedagogic value of such education was to foster students' creativity and innovation as well.

在相当长的历史时期内,与民主相适应的教育学主要是一种专业教育学。It is an inevitable requirement of teacher-education reform to reform the teaching of pedagogic specialty.

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知识形态论是对教育学的客观知识存在进行形态学的分析。The knowledge morphology means exploring the morphological relationship of the pedagogic objective knowledge.

高等师范院校音乐系如何强化师范性,是一个非常值得探讨的问题。It's really worth discussing how to strengthen the pedagogic feature in the music department in teachers colleges.

教师是教育系统中的重要组成部分,教师的素质和教育质量密切相关。The teacher is the main component in teaching a system, closely related pedagogic quality and educational quality.

这是最广泛和最详细的语法和被广泛使用的语文教学,因此被称为教学语法。It is the most widespread and elaborate grammar and is widely used in language teaching, thus termed pedagogic grammar.

只有当作文与作文讲评的真情实感是“有效”的,才有教学论意义。Only when the true feelings of composition and composition review be "effective", can they be of pedagogic significance.

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此外,教师工作上的重压、经济问题等也会产生心理波动和精神障碍。In addition, problem of the weigh on pedagogic job, economy also can produce psychological wave motion and mental obstacle.

我报过公务员和教师考试,每天还去参加招聘会,可都没有成功。I had signed up for officeholder and pedagogic exam, still attend invite applications for a job to meet everyday, can not succeed.

因此,我们应根据实际情况对师范院校的公共教育学课程进行有针对性的改革。So we should carry out the corresponding reform of public pedagogic curriculums in normal colleges according to the actual situation.