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一个有趣的事实就是黄金的检测,检测黄金的纯度,重新熔化和加热它。One interesting fact is a test for pure gold. Test for purity of gold, remelt and heat it.

实验随后对部分重熔过程中的组织演变进行了研究。The microstructural evolution was researched in the subsequent experience of the partially remelt.

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结果表明,扩散处理及钎焊间隙对钎焊接头的再熔化温度有强烈的影响。Results show that both the diffusion treatment and the brazing gap affect strongly on the remelt temperature.

液态排渣炉飞灰复熔系统对环保和炉渣综合利用等具有积极意义。Regarding environment and comprehensive utilization of slag, fly ash remelt system of wet bottom boiler is positive.

为了能全产白砂糖,应用了丙糖回溶上浮澄清工艺。In order to produce solely white sugar, technology of treating C-sugar remelt by floatation clarification was practiced.

对处于熔点以上的纯铝施加电脉冲,通过对铝锭的多次重熔实验,研究了其熔体结构的遗传性。The heredity of pure aluminum melt under the action of pulse electric field was investigated by means of repetitious remelt experiment.

文章讨论了钎焊时间、钎焊温度、钎焊间隙及焊后扩散处理对钎焊接头再熔化温度的影响。This paper discusses the effect of brazing time, brazing temperature, brazing gap and diffusion treatment on the remelt temperature of the brazed joint.

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进行了回炉料经成型和烧结等工艺制备球形氨合成催化剂的实验室研究。In this paper, the experiment results for a spherical ammonia catalyst prepared from remelt scrap are reported by using spheroidizer and sintering furnace.

强调了剪切热在大陆构造中的作用,提出走滑剪切带演化中剪切变形-断裂动热变质-重熔岩浆作用旋回。The role of shear heat is important in continental tectonics and the shear deformation → fault dynamothemal metamor-physm → remelt magmatism cycle in the shear zone is presented.

区域地质构造解析结果表明,连云山花岗岩与晚三叠世—侏罗纪NNE向会聚走滑断层动热变质—剪切重熔型岩浆作用有关。The analyses of regional structures show that Lianyunshan granite is associated with dynamic metamorphism shear remelt magmatism of NNE trending convergent strike slip faulting during T 3-J.

通过比较半固态加压除气的试样在重熔前后的高度变化,建立了增强颗粒粒径与复合材料熔体表观粘度间的关系。Comparing the height changes of composites before and after remelt which have been degassed with semisolid compression, the relation between apparent viscosity and reinforcement diameter was obtained.