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兰德·保罗也在做着同样的准备。Rand Paul is doing the same thing.

兰德·保罗带着爽朗的欢呼声走上了讲台。Rand Paul took the stage to hearty cheers.

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她不能理解他的心态。She couldn'r unda, rand his state of mind.

编织绳启发兰特添加好看。Woven rope-inspired rand for added good looks.

竭诚感谢您对英格索兰的关注。We thank you for your interest in Ingersoll Rand.

英格索兰早在1871年就创始了其业务。Ingersoll Rand has started its business since 1871.

贾姆希从来没有读过约翰·斯图亚特·密尔或是艾恩·兰德的著作。Jamshed has never read John Stuart Mill or Ayn Rand.

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其中有一位当时还是初出茅庐的女作家,她的名字就是艾茵·兰德。One of these was a fledgling author by the name of Ayn Rand.

他的儿子兰德在十一月成功当选肯塔基州的参议员。His son Rand was elected to the Senate from Kentuckyin November.

Stellenbosch的Steyn说,这可能每年花费数百万南非兰特。That can cost millions of South African rand a year, says Steyn.

劳动和人,人和劳动,这是所有真理的父母亲。——苏霍姆林斯基居。Labor rand people, people and labor, it is the parents all truth.

我买了每个兰德麦克纳利导航仪和,每张我能找到的地图。I bought every Rand McNally and every single map that I could find.

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但是美国兰德公司最近进行的研究提出了毁誉参半的评价。But a new study by the RAND Corporation suggests a more mixed picture.

当然,兰德并没有放弃它如鱼得水的项目。Of course, RAND hasn’t exactly abandoned its bread-and-butter services.

安·兰德猜测这个“实干家”可能只是个向上爬的人。Ayn Rand speculated that this undertaker might just be a social climber.

基廷的病态,兰德向读者揭示,完全是无私的结果。Keating's pathology, Rand shows, is precisely the result of selflessness.

那一天几个人对兰德·保罗说他应该竞选公共职务。Several people that day told Rand Paul thathe should run for public office.

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奶奶责备家里脏乱,猜猜只好边擦地边应付她。Grandma blame home mess, guess what had to the side wipe rand cope with her.

荷塘的四面,远远近近,高高低低都是树,而杨柳最多。Far rand near, high and low around the pool were trees, most of them willows.

马可-卢比奥被选为佛罗里达州参议员,兰德-保尔被选为肯塔基州参议员。Marco Rubio was elected to the Senate in Florida, as was Rand Paul in Kentucky.