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公众舆论也许会一致起来。The public opinion may solidify.

为何保加利亚玫瑰油经常凝固?Why does Bulgarian Rose Otto solidify at times?

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我决定把我的思想给固化成文字。Thus I decided to solidify my thoughts into words.

在沙地里种植沙棘,可以起到固沙的作用。Planting sea buckthorn on sandy soil can solidify sand.

写下你感激的名单将帮助你调整思考的方式。Writing down your gratitude list helps solidify it in your brain.

它正在该地区寻求它想加以巩固的联系。It’s looking for relationships it wants to solidify in the region.

如果冷却后你的汤能凝固,这证明你的汤熬到家了。If your soup cooled to solidify This proves that your soup Aodao home.

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这些材料是由几种液体混合在一起并加压使之凝褂邙成的。The substance is formed from a mixture of liquid solidify under pressure.

这一年,是团结向上勇于进取的一年。This year, is to solidify to heading up to brave for enterprising a year.

本研究在粉煤灰中加入固化剂JNS-1,对其进行固化。The solidified agent JNS-1 is used to add into the fly ash and solidify it.

的合金,垂直定向凝固时也可形成通道偏析。When alloys such as Sn-Pb solidify from bottom, channel segregation can also form.

若非如此,你就会陷入人为的不自然状态,或试图阻止那永恒的流动。Otherwise, you will drift into artificiality or attempt to solidify the ever-flowing.

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戴明的远见卓识使公司得以加强勘探并巩固了零售业务。Deming also had the foresight to pump up exploration and solidify the retail business.

共同抗击非典型肺炎,会更加增强我们之间的友谊与合作。The joint battle against SARS can only further solidify our friendship and cooperation.

不团结的后果,必然是人心涣散,小则倾家,大则倾国。The result don't solidify is a public Huan to spread, small Qing house, big Qing country.

Wolke说,虽然低温可能使油凝固,但这丝毫不会影响它的品质。Although cold temperatures may solidify the oil, they won't affect its quality, Wolke says.

一类是影响顶替效率的因素,另一类是影响候凝效果的因素。In addition, not all factors are directly influence displacement rates or quality of solidify.

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这些标准仍在不断改进,为所需的全部领域巩固解决方案。These standards are still evolving and have yet to solidify solutions for all the areas needed.

我们还有一个可以喷射胶黏剂的打印头。Yeah. But we also have a print head for printing our binder materials to solidify the particles.

小鸡深蓝色的区域就是最终凝固成骨头的部分。The dark-blue areas of the chick indicate where the cartilage will ultimately solidify into bone.