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他要把这个露天铜矿表面装饰一番。He would “cosmeticize”the opencast copper mine.

联合开采方案在技术上是可行的、经济上是合理的。The opencast & underground mining is reasonable in economy and feasible in technology.

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希望通过本文的论述,能为露天开采提供借鉴,起到参考的作用。After the dissertation of this paper, wish it can offer a reference to opencast working.

边坡稳定是露天采场生产正常进行的基础保障。Stability of side slope is the basic guarantee for normal production of the opencast stope.

并结合黑岱沟露天矿的具体实际,对分析过程进行了详细的说明。Finally, the research in detail illustrates the process of analysis in Heidaigou opencast coal mine.

这份资料提供了有关露天矿、采石场,坝基和公路堑的边坡资料。The information refers to slopes in opencast mines quarries dam foundation excavations and highway outs.

露天开采矿山的生态环境治理已成为我国生态环境治理的一个重要组成部分。The eco-environmental harness of opencast mine has been an important part of ecological restoration in China.

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此新型柴油-电动矿用卡车使露天采矿中所用的其他所有交通工具黯然失色。This new diesel-electric mining truck puts all other transport vehicles used in opencast mining in the shade.

通过某露天煤矿的滑坡实例的计算分析,证明本模型是令人满意的。The analysis for the exemplified landslip of a particular opencast coal mine proves the model to be satisfactory.

对白音华三号露天煤矿复合边坡稳定性进行评价。The stability of composite slope, within first mining area in the 3rd Baiyinhua opencast coal mine, was analyzed.

根据哈尔滨市煤炭工业公司露天矿开采实际状况,提出了技术改造措施。According to the actual situation in opencast in Harbin City Coal Industry Comp. , provide technical reform measures.

分析了一号露天北坑常出水的原因,提出了治理措施。The reason of outbursting water in No. 1 North Opencast Pit is analyzed. And the controlling methods are put forward.

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探测结果,为该矿由露天开采转入地下生产,提供了安全保障条件。The results have offered security guarantee condition when opencast working switches to underground working in the mine.

平朔矿区从1985年开始投产,要经历近百年的开采,地表破坏剧烈,利用遥感技术可以监测这种变化。Pingshuo opencast mine started production in 1985, to undergo mining for centuries, the surface will be damaged severely.

基于模糊层次分析法对露天矿山溜井平硐运输系统进行了脆性分析,分析结果与实际情况一致。Based on which, it made brittle analysis to conveyance system in adit-pass of opencast mine, the result accorded with fact.

采用野外调查和统计分析相结合的方法,对海州露天矿不同排土场物种多样性进行研究。The plant species diversity of opencast coal mine spoils in Haizhou was studied with field investigation and statistical analysis.

根据露天采场岩石地球化学调查资料建立元素分带序列和轴向分带模型。The element zoning sequence and axial zoning pattern were sit up on the basis of petral-geochemical investigation of opencast quarry.

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为满足露天煤矿生产移动用户的需要,配置一套400M无线调度对讲系统。To meet the needs of the mobile users of the opencast coal mine production, a 400M wireless dispatching intercom system will be provided.

侯西露天矿开采境界小,距离村庄近,对剥采作业安全性、控制爆破技术有较高的要求。As Houxi Opencast Mine has smaller mining boundary and it is near villages, the safety of mining and controlled blasting are strictly required.

本文对露采边坡的陡度选择、边坡保护以及边坡下滑的处理,进行了初步探讨。Gradient selection of side-slope, side-slope protection and side-slope glide control for opencast mining are tentatively investigated in the paper.