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路易十四之前的统治者是路易十三Louis XIV was preceded in number by Louis XIII.

以你所知道的来看,他们是为托勒密做事。For your information, they work for Ptolemy XIII.

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本协议签章后即可生效。XIII . This Agreement shall be in effect after it is subscribed.

1582年罗马教皇格列高利十三世引进了一个新的却非常相似的历法。In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new, but very similar, calendar.

这就使约翰十三至十七章成了新约中最里面的圣所。This makes John xiii. -xvii. The inmost sanctuary of the new testament.

第十三条会计记录的文字应当使用中文。Article XIII of the accounting records of the Chinese language should be used.

在同一天,挪威国会选举查尔斯十三世为挪威国国王。On the same day, the Norwegian parliament elected Charles XIII king of Norway.

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他大力推进了法国国家建构的进程Louis XIII helped expand the compelling course of structures of the French state.

从十三到二十一世纪,这次振奋人心的“交会”将会是中国2008里一个绝妙的故事。From XIII to XXI century exciting "in contro" , a wonderful tale in the China 2008.

第十三条西咸新区与陕北能源基地建设对接。Article XIII Xi Xian New Area is jointed with Northern Shaanxi's energy base construction.

不要把我们的音乐关掉,即使你的邻居为此在黑夜中跌跌撞撞。XIII. Thou shalt not turn off our albums for thy neighbor, for he is stumbling in the dark.

XIII是由法国和加拿大合拍的一部电视剧,于2011年春上映。XIII by the French and Canadian co-production of a TV series, released in the spring of 2011.

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庞培从法萨罗逃亡埃及,在那里,法老托勒密十三世下达命令将其暗杀。Pompey fled from Pharsalus to Egypt, where he was assassinated on the order of Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII.

分析完善了搜索引擎收录下载页面的补充数据库的原理。XIII of improving the search engine included on the download page to add the principle of the database.

另一个让他们开心一些的比方把普金比作红衣主教黎赛留,而梅德韦杰夫则是路易十三。Another delightful comparison likened Putin to Cardinal Richelieu, with Medvedev cast in the role of Louis XIII.

阿马尔菲人在十三世纪前半叶发明了罗盘并在地中海地区传播。Amalfi people invented the compass and spread its use in the Mediterranean sea in the first half of XIII century.

1582年,罗马教皇格利高里八世创立了罗马纪年法,并沿用至今。这一历法把1月1日定为新年的开始。In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII instituted the Gregorian calendar still in use today, setting January 1 as New Year's Day.

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由此,路易十三既有细腻优雅的表现,更有充满霸气的王者般的吸引力。As a result, Louis XIII of the performance of both the elegant and delicate, more full of domineering of the regal appeal.

这将使他们在敌军中打入一个楔子,将俄国第十五军分割开来,阻敌增援。This would place them in the rear of the Russian XIII Corps. This would prevent the Russian XV Corps from receiving any reinforcements.

这并没有持续多久,新年的日期此后又几经修改,直至中国区总经理袁文达在1582年把1月1日定为董事日。This did not last, and the date was changed several times after that until Pope Gregory XIII fixed January 1st as New Years day in 1582.