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目标我们的目标是成为最好的食品和农业公司。What we want to be is the best food and agribusiness company.

然而,当今的企业化农业却否认拒绝动物最基本的需求。Yet agribusiness today denies animals their most fundamental needs.

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他一从杨百翰大学的农业综合企业系毕业,就租了农场开始工作。A recent agribusiness graduate of Brigham Young University, he rented land and got to work.

旨在增强马其顿农业综合企业贸易竞争力的某项目目前正在实施。A project to improve trade competitiveness in Macedonia’s agribusiness sector is also underway.

在尼日利亚、坦桑尼亚和莫桑比克,农业综合企业增长极项目已纳入贷款计划。Agribusiness – In Nigeria, Tanzania and Mozambique, agribusiness growth poles are in the pipeline.

而在美国糖产量第一的福罗里达州,几乎所有的糖都控制在农业综合企业手中。in Florida, America's top-producing sugar state, almost all of the sugar is in the hand of agribusiness.

此外,农业综合企业把注意力集中在了主粮作物中,在这里可以获得最大的利润。Furthermore, agribusiness has focused its efforts on the main food crops, where the largest profits are to be made.

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福布斯前十的其他人包括刘永好,一名农业综合企业的巨头和若干房地产的投资人。Other members of the Forbes top-ten included Liu Yonghao, an agribusiness magnate, and several real estate investors.

许多种菜人更关注于那些以前稀罕种类的“传家宝”式的植物,而这些植物是那些农业企业所不感冒的。Many gardeners are focusing on “heirloom” plants—rare varieties from earlier times that do not appeal to agribusiness.

每年,美国税金对一项农场议案均资助数十亿美元,这项议案深受商业化的农业综合企业喜爱。Every year, American tax dollars subsidize billions of dollars for a farm bill that heavily favors commercial agribusiness.

以大规模投资为特征的现代综合农业企业建立在牧民们传统的牧场上。Modern agribusiness with capital intensive activities are incentivated to establish on pastoralist's traditional grazing fields.

本课程旨在介绍一般个体经济理论之观念,及其在农企业管理问题研究上之应用。The purpose of this course is to study the theory of microeconomics and its application to the problems in agribusiness management.

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最意外的支持恐怕是来自国家农业部,一个一向和农业商业化关系紧密的组织。More surprising, perhaps, are the pronouncements out of the Department of Agriculture, an agency with long and close ties to agribusiness.

1929到1989年间,政府,科学和技术通过立法,发明和机械化手段将烟草文化转化为农业商业。Between 1929 and 1989, government, science, and technology transformed tobacco culture into agribusiness by legislation, invention, and mechanization.

介绍了山东凤祥集团总公司积极推进农业产业化经营的成功经验。The paper introduces the successful experiences that the Group General Com. of Fengxiang in Shangdong province actively advanced the agribusiness management.

蚕茧龙头企业要进一步完善与蚕农的利益关系,增强企业的带动力,发挥协会的作用。And cocoon agribusiness firm should further perfect the relationship with cocoon peasant household, enforce firm's drive, and exert the action of association.

至于那些即将离开的工人,乔治亚州农业综合委员会负责人,布莱恩•托拉尔称,“我不知道他们是否合法,我只知道他们以前在这里工作。”As for the departing workers, Bryan Tolar, who heads the Georgia Agribusiness Council, says, “I don’t know if they were legal. All I know is they were working.”

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分析的结果和建议将供巴布亚新几内亚及其发展伙伴用于推行有益于农业和农企部门的改革。The resulting analysis and recommendations will be used by PNG and its development partners to pursue reforms benefitting the agriculture and agribusiness sectors.

高柏建立并领导了IAMA,同时也是阿彻丹尼斯米德兰公司、史密斯菲尔德食品公司、杜邦先锋良种公司等大农商巨头的董事会成员。Goldberg founded and headed the IAMA as well as holding seats on the boards of agribusiness giants Archer Daniels Midland, Smithfield Foods and DuPont Pioneer Hi-Bred.

第五、农企业管理教育的功能,宜著眼学生专业知识吸取外,亦能拥有独立思考能力与终身学习习惯。The fifth, the agribusiness managerial education should to teach the profession knowledge, to make the independent thinking and cultivate the habit of lifetime learning.