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在汽车喇叭的轰鸣声中我问他。I asked over the blare of horns.

天空又一声巨响,心锁又闪亮退场!I entered gloriously with blare in the sky.

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“呜呜。”小狐狸一边哽咽一边使力。"Blare. "The small fox is sobbing and putting effort.

布莱尔先生被邀负责舞台的灯光设计。Mr. Blare was invited to be in charge of lightening of stage.

接着,随着刺耳的喇叭声和鼓的重击声,演出开始了。Then, with a blare of trumpets and a banging of drums, the show began.

请你的朋友吹小号,你能听到小号的嘟嘟声吗?Ask your friend to blow his trumpet. Can you hear the blare of the trumpet?

在上海,汽车鸣笛声比香港吵闹得多。Car horns blare far more blatantly in Shanghai than they ever do in Hong Kong.

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苏珊每次开口说话,就像救护车的鸣笛一样,会发出刺耳的声音。Every time Susan opens her mouth, it sounds like the blare of an ambulance siren.

今天从华盛顿传来的新闻叫嚷着紧急援助、经济刺激、失败、阿富汗-巴基斯坦问题和医疗卫生。The headlines from Washington today blare of bailouts, stimulus, clunkers, Afpak, health care.

在又一阵军号声中,勃列日涅夫的小轿车进入西南门。Another blare of trumpets signaled that the limousine carrying Brezhnev had entered the Southwest Gate.

“我的火车拉你的桃儿,呜——”一阵天真的笑声飞扬开来,我的嘴角不禁翘了起来。"I train pull your peach son, blare -" flying a naive laughter, my mouth can't help but become warped up.

入夜,韩珊瞒过公婆,单独走到院外,看着远处的天空,困难地呜呜哭泣。At night, HanShan fake in-laws, alone go outside the hospital, looking at distant sky, difficulty blare cry.

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一种市声、一片生活的喧嚣,一个巨大的人类蜂房,对于奇异敏感的感官同样具有魔力。A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms.

坐在家里可以听见外面的北风刮在电线上呜呜的声音。Sit the voice namely pares off ashore the cordless wire to blare at the north air namely can hear an outdoor in the home.

积极向上的爱国主义歌曲响彻街道的每个角落,贴有卡扎菲肖像的汽车鸣着喇叭到处乱窜。Upbeat patriotic songs blare on street corners and cars plastered with Qadhafi portraits speed around, sounding their horns.

车子、卡车、公车、摩托车、计程车、人力车、牛群、驴群,还有狗群在喇叭声响和尖锐煞车声中争夺每吋道路。Cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, taxis, rickshaws, cows, donkeys, and dogs jostle for every inch of the roadway as horns blare and brakes squeal.

呜呜呜她只有十五岁啊,为什么这么倒霉遇到了飞机失事,早知道这样就算是挤死她也要坐火车啊!Blare her to only have 15 years old, why so disadvantageous met an air crash, early knew this even if is very mobbed she also absences to take practice!

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朱伟正在模仿的是他的家乡北京的警笛声,就像镁接触到空气时的闪光一样,关于法律和秩序的话题也引起了他类似的反应。Zhu is imitating the blare of police sirens in his native Beijing. Like the flash of magnesium in contact with air, the subject of law and order causes a similar reaction.

扇扇翅膀,每天飞高几英尺,然后某天突然发现自己居然正在万里高空翱翔,迎着太阳耀眼的光辉,鹰啼声声穿破宁静的长空。Waving the wings, rising a few feet every day, it may one day happen to find itself soaring high above, facing the blare of the sun and made its own voice pierce into the peaceful sky.

手持君子剑,周继君好整以暇地打量着那团云,就见它呜呜哀鸣着,散发出抗拒的气息。Holdses gentleman sword, the week is very whole to conjecture that regiment cloud by Xia ground after the gentleman, see it blaring Ai to blare and sending forth breathing because withstanding.