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据报道,这列火车后来开回了贝尔格莱德。Reports say the train later returned to Belgrade.

贝尔格莱德打算同欧洲的法律一致。Belgrade intends to harmonise the law with those in Europe.

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塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德动物园,一头名叫狄佳娜的小袋鼠被放在孵化器里喂养。A baby kangaroo named Tijana is seen in the incubator in Belgrade zoo.

尤文和贝尔格莱德红星队关于前锋尼古拉-日基奇转会的谈判日渐尾声。Juventus are in advanced talks for Red Star Belgrade striker Nikola Zigic.

杰克问起了这事与贝尔格莱德有何联系,为何他的家人被牵扯进来。Jack asks about the Belgrade connection and why his family was brought into it.

韦沃达预计,卡拉季奇可能在几天内就被送往海牙。Ivan Vejvoda in Belgrade expects Karadzic will be sent to the Hague within days.

佛罗伦萨和拉齐奥一直在关注著红星队的巴斯塔。Fiorentina and Lazio are keeping tabs on Red Star Belgrade midfielder Dusan Basta.

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在2002年10月的一个贝尔格莱德之夜,我本人对钻石中场的疑问化成了明确实例。My own doubts about the diamond crystallised one night in Belgrade in October 2002.

他们也告知她,他们发现了另一笔汇款转给了一名来自贝尔格莱德的杀手。They inform her that they found another wire transfer to an assassin from Belgrade.

自从科索沃从塞尔维亚脱离出来后,贝尔格来德就拒绝承认科索沃的独立。Belgrade has refused to recognized Kosovo's independence since it broke away from Serbia.

我吁请塞尔维亚和黑山领导人推进这一民主趋势。I invite the leaders in Belgrade and Podgorica to consolidate this trend," De Gucht said.

好了,我先前对贝尔格莱德旅馆的不恭之词错了。OK, I was wrong about my earlier less-than-flattering description of the Hostel Belgrade.

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唐家璇是应马尔科维奇的邀请于26日抵达贝尔格莱德开始对塞进行正式访问的。Tang, at the invitation of Markovich, arrived in Belgrade on August 26 for an official visit.

塞尔维亚和黑山联盟南部城市,位于贝尔格勒西南偏南,与阿尔巴尼亚接壤。A city of southern Serbia and Montenegro south-southwest of Belgrade near the Albanian border.

这位前将军藏身于距贝尔格莱德约100公里外的一个村庄的农舍中。The former general was at a farmhouse in a village about one hundred kilometers from Belgrade.

他曾在贝尔格莱德红星队踢球,并于1953年离开了南斯拉夫。He defected in 1953 from communist Yugoslavia, where he played for the Red Star Belgrade team.

退役后他执教过萨尔兹堡,贝尔格莱德游击者,匈牙利国家队。He has since had spells in charge of Salzburg, Partizan Belgrade and the Hungary national team.

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最近阿奎拉尼和队友埃尔扎尔一起飞往了贝尔格莱德并于今天抵达了塞尔维亚女神医的诊所。Aquilani is currently in Belgrade with Nabil El Zhar and had treatment today at Kovacevic's clinic.

不过几年前,穆拉迪契还会旁若无人的出入贝尔格莱德的高级餐厅,或出席观赏足球比赛。Until a few years ago, Mladic openly dined at fancy Belgrade restaurants and attended soccer matches.

这是一场在贝尔格莱德的激烈的战斗,我们十分想在今年的冠军联赛中取得好成绩。This is a real game in Belgrade , we want to have great satisfication in this year's Champions League.