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你曲解了我的话的真实含义。You garble my words from their real meaning.

最后还有一种人,说自己的名字或者电话的时候没说清楚,或者说太快了。And, finally, there are the people who garble or say their name or phone number too fast.

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但是,这句话,他却没有说出口——而且,如果他是在窜改自己的话,那么,这就是他偷梁换柱的办法。But he didn't say that — and if he was garbling his words there was method in his garble.

我打电话到她寝室,紧张得吐字不清,甚至把她名字的前后音节都说反了。When I telephoned her dormitory and asked nervously for her, I transposed the syllables of her first and last names into ludicrous garble.

因此,如果两个节点在同一时间将数据包传至线路集成器,会导致“冲突”从而使彼此传输发生混乱。So if two nodes tried to send packets of data to the hub at the same time, the resulting "collision" would garble both their transmissions.

因此,如果两个节点在同一时间将数据包传至线路集成器,会导致“冲突”从而使彼此传输发生混乱。So if two nodes tried to send packets of data to the hub at the same time, the resulting “collision” would garble both their transmissions.

修辞的辞格相当多,能够在词的义项增多过程中起作用的一般是比喻、比拟、借代、移觉、委婉、断取、别解等。Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy , euphemism, garble and alias.

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“本拉登”的应聘视频现可在YouTube网站上浏览,整个视频长达30秒钟,画面中的人物确实是留着大胡子的基地组织头目本-拉登,但他说话的声音已经过处理,画面中还配有字幕说明他为什么适合这一职位。A 30-second video available on YouTube shows an actual video of the bearded Al-Qaida leader with garble dubbed over his real voice and subtitles stating why he is right for the job.

你应该感谢,当你买回一堆毫无生气的禽肉时,杂货店收银员诚心诚意地为你刷卡,即使在归还信用卡时,张冠李戴地称呼你。Be thankful that when you go to buy a pale, poultrylike entity, the grocery clerk will accept your credit card in good faith and even return it with a heroic garble of your last name.

你完全沉浸于周围的寂静之中了,周围没有车水马龙的喧嚣,有的只是从很远处传来的脚步的回声,还有那百叶窗后的电视机里传出的,断断续续的,如丝如缕般的低语。If you give in to the silence — remember, there’s no traffic noise as distraction — you’ll pick up the faraway echo of footsteps, the hushed garble of a television from behind a shuttered window.

该方案在一定程度上防止第三者对传输消息的篡改,其安全性是建立在大数因子分解的困难性基础上的。To some extent, we can also prevent the third party to garble the transmission message through this scheme. The security of the algorithm is built upon the difficulty of big integer factorization.